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"Okay so you're telling me all of this happened in the past week and I'm only just hearing about it now?!" Hanni screeched.

I gave her a slight raise of eyebrow, "I'm sorry Hanni, but... you're kinda always busy. Like I don't think I've talked to you once within the last five days, and we both know that's not because I have a packed schedule."

Hanni softened. "No, I'm the one that's sorry. You're right, I've overbooked myself with extracurriculars. I'm exhausted. I've barely had time for my best friend."

"It's okay, at least you're hearing about it now," I told her and we sat down in our seats in the cafeteria. "And if you're burnt out then maybe you could consider I don't know, dropping a few things?"

"My mom would never let me." Hanni sighed. "Anyway, this isn't about me, this is about you and the guy you've been dreaming of for years! So how does it feel??"

"It's not official yet," I clarified.

"What's not official yet?" Sunwoo slid over to us and rested his arms on my head.

"Her relationship with Changmin," Hanni answered and took a bite of food.

"unofficial relationship," I said.

"Oh yeah, how is that going?" Sunwoo asked and sat down with us.

"You guys, we're just pen pals for now." I repeated.

"Why?" Sunwoo asked. "I know you're thirsting to get some--"

"WE'RE WAITING until he comes back," I said.

"And when will that be?"

I shrugged. "Whenever his grandma gets better I guess."

"And what if she doesn't?" Sunwoo asked.

I paused. "Let's not talk about this. Sunwoo I saw you with a girl a while ago after your soccer game."

"Omg who?" Hanni asked.

Sunwoo looked at both of us with mischief. "I don't know."

"You fucking sneak who is it?" I asked.

He shrugged and took a long sip of his water. "We're keeping it on the down low."

"Why? Usually you parade around the hallways like a king," Hanni said.

"That's exactly why," Sunwoo said. "I'm.... I'm hoping it's a real relationship this time."

"Aw," Hanni and I said at the same time.

"Yeah yeah," Sunwoo rolled his eyes and stood up. "I'll see you little goofs later."

"Oh hey, did you know we're having a prom this year?" Hanni asked when he was gone.

"oh?" I said. "Like in the movies?"

"Yeah, totally. Sign ups are today! You wanna go?" Hanni asked.

"Are you going?"

"I have to because I'm part of the student council so I have to do check in and stuff." She answered. "Come on let's go!"

Hanni dragged me around the hallway and into the student council room. It was swarmed with people. There were so many couples, and people talking about their dates and dresses and all that.

"I don't know, Hanni, what if Changmin's not back by then?" I asked when she got in line.

"Why don't you just sign up for him?" She asked.

"I mean what if.... Never mind." I said.

"What if what?"

"What if he doesn't want to go together?" I asked.

"Why would he do that?" Hanni asked.

"Excuse me." A girl bumped my shoulder and she cut in front of Hanni since we were blocking the line. She was faced away but I knew it was Serri.

"I mean, have you ever heard of a second and third year dating before?" I asked.

"Okay maybe not, but there's no rule against it." Hanni added. "You guys deserve this."

She pulled me back into the line and her words repeated in my head as we waited.

I watched Serri sign up and before she left, she turned around and pulled me a foot away.

"Did you know he was going to do it?" Serri asked.

"What?" I said.

"Changmin," She said in a low voice. "Breaking up with me."

"I didn't," I told her honestly. "I'm... sorry it didn't work out." though you technically cheated on him, even if he was cheating mentally too.

She scoffed. "I don't need pity. I'm barely upset about it, he was such a bore honestly." Serri crossed her arms. "I just wanted to warn you, that Sunwoo is a much better kisser than Changmin. Are you sure about your choice?"

I blinked. Did she seriously just say that? I bit back multiple swear words. I could have pushed her but I didn't.

Instead I nodded and crossed my arms. "That's impressive, considering Sunwoo kissing you was technically just for kicks."

Serri was the one to look speechless now. "Excuse me?"

"Oh, just that he was trying to get Changmin to break up with you, and you played right into his hands." I said.

"Sunwoo what?" She said.

I shrugged. "You can't outplay the player."

"And here I thought you were a nice person." She said. "What happened to you Doah? You used to be so sweet when I first met you."

"I could say the same about you."

Serri sighed, and gave me a look like she was looking down at me. "It's okay Doah. one day you'll realize that there is more to life than boys."

"Right. Because I'm the one who manipulated and cheated on two pretty decent guys." I answered. "Anyway, I'm really sorry things didn't work out between you and Changmin, but from my own experience, I know damn well who the better kisser is."

I stepped to the side so she could walk away, and I saw her hesitate. Somehow, I had made a girl like Serri lose track of her words.

"What was that about?" Hanni asked as I got back in line.

"Oh just destroying someone's ego." I said.

"The usual." She handed me the pen. "So have you made up your mind?"

I nodded. I wrote down Changmin and I's name on the sign up sheet.

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