Part One - Chapter One: The Reaping.

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As I strolled along the beach, thoughts of the games infiltrated my mind. I wondered what it would be like if I got picked. The Reaping was later that morning. I had gotten up early to take a walk alongside the ocean because it might have been the last time I ever had the chance. The sound of the waves crashing on the beach also helped calm my thoughts.
I knew I'd have to go back soon but I didn't want to. The odds were actually in my favour though as my name was only in there once. But there was still a chance. A chance that I could get picked to fight and (probably) die. I thought about it for a moment. I mean, I'm not tall or really strong. My only attributes would be that I can run fast, climb trees and fish (but that wouldn't help unless the arena was an ocean).

I shook myself out of those thoughts. I wouldn't get picked. Would I?

"Audrey? Oh there you are! I've been looking for you everywhere!" My brother came jogging down the sand.
"Sorry I needed to clear my head before..." I trailed off.
He nodded understanding.
"C'mon we'd better go. It's nearly time."
I signed reluctantly and started walking toward him.

My brother Archer was 19 years old and so was safe from the games as of last year. There was a pretty big age gap in between us but we were still pretty close.
Ever since our dad died he had been taking care of me. The capitol said that it was a fishing incident but we suspected differently. Our mum died in childbirth. I never knew her but Archer said we looked alike. I often wondered what she was like and made up conversations we could have had.

About five minutes later we came to the front door of our wooden house. The door was a light blue colour and the knocker was wooden and carved into the shape of a fish. Once Archer had unlocked the door, I went upstairs to get ready. I was dressed in a blue dungarees with a white shirt underneath. I looked in the mirror, trying to decide how to wear my hair.
My hair was blonde, curly (well not ringlets but very prominent waves) and came down to just under my shoulder blades. I decided to separate the front bits and plait them, then tie them at the back.

I finished them just in time when Archer called me, "Audrey we've got to go!"

I took one last look in the mirror, a deep breath in and walked out the door.

(^^^that means a time skip)

When we got to the reaping there were already lots of other kids there. All waiting in line to get there finger pricked. As we reached them, I turned and hugged Archer tight.
"It's okay, your not gonna get picked. It's your second year. I'm gonna go stand with the adults okay? Just go with those kids. I'll find you after. I love you." He reassured me.
I breathed in and looked up at him, "Okay. I love you too." And I went and joined the line.
He nodded at me, then turned and walked away.

I looked around at the other children in the line. Even the ones that had been saying that they'll volunteer all year looked nervous. The atmosphere is tense and everyone was on edge, praying that they wouldn't get picked.

As I turned my head back I realised I was one person away from the front of the line. My stomach tightened as I stepped forward to have my blood taken. It was only a prick but it still hurt a bit.
"God." I thought in my head. "If I'm scared of that I would not to well in the games." I chuckled to myself but then remembered where I was. This was real. I could get picked.

I walked slowly over to where all the other thirteen year olds were standing and stared at the stage. Waiting for the person to step out and pick someone. I wished they would hurry up and do it already. The anticipation made me feel like I was gonna pass out.

Suddenly a lady flourished onto the stage.

She wore a neon green dress that was very tight, I was surprised she could even walk. Her hair was neon pink and her shoes and lips matched it. She seemed to have pink eye contacts in as well.
Her heels made a harsh clicking sound as she strutted to the microphone.

I always thought capitol people looked weird, unnatural. It just didn't make sense why people would think that that looks good.

"Welcome, welcome. Happy hunger games! Now is the time to choose one courageous young man and woman to compete in this years games. My name is Ronnie and I will be picking the tributes. But first we have a very special video, brought to you all the way from the capitol!" She smiled weirdly. It seemed to stretch so unnaturally wide that it nearly reached her ears. Her blindingly white teeth were all on show as she turned her head to look at the screen.

"This stupid Capitol video. No one cares. Just get on with it!" I thought to myself. I wished I could have smacked that smile right off her annoying face. I rolled my eyes and watched the video. It was just as boring as I remembered. Something about war and peace and destruction. I don't know I wasn't really paying attention.

As soon as it was over I sighed in relief.

But then I remembered what came next.

Okay, breathe, your fine.

"It's time! Ooooh isn't this exciting!" Ronnie laughed and clapped her hands.

But what if I get picked?

"As always, ladies first!"

No, your fine.

"Alright. The female tribute from district four is...."

Oh god.

She pulled the thin piece of paper out of the bowl.

Please please please.

The wait seemed to drag on forever, until finally.....

"Audrey Ledger!"

Authors note:
I think we pretty much all saw that coming lol.
I hope you enjoyed the first part!
I know things might have seemed a little slow and boring but this chapter was just setting the story up, kind of like an introduction.
Please let me know what you think in the comments and any ways I can improve.
I might do another part tomorrow but that's all for tonight.
Thanks for reading!

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