Part One - Chapter Fifteen: The last stretch.

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As I lay on the ground a few feet away from the border, I just wanted to shut my eyes and sleep.

But I knew I couldn't.
I way way too out in the open and I suspected that there was things going on in the other sectors to get the rest of the tributes near the cornocopia.
They wanted the end to happen quickly.

So, knowing that I couldn't stay there forever, I pushed myself off the ground and stood up.

Taking in a breath of the fresh air, I looked around.
I couldn't see any other tributes but the cornocopia was blocking the other side of the clearing.

There were only three left? Maybe four. I didn't really know.

I decided to hide behind a rock the was near the border and wait for someone to appear.

Suddenly I hear a blood curdling scream that I think came from the forest sector and then a cannon.

Then, from that same place, came a girl.
She must have been only twelve years old.
I didn't know how she had made it that far.
She looked horrified, like someone she loved had just died. Maybe her ally?

I watched as she collapsed onto the ground and started sobbing.

I felt bad, I couldn't bare the thought of killing her.
So I waited, gave her a chance to get away.

But she just stayed there, unmoving, with her head tucked into her knees.

Suddenly, from across the clearing, came the girl from two. She ran fast, clutching a knife in her hand, toward the girl.
Her face was menacing, as if she knew she had this.
She thought she had already won.

I wanted to warn the girl.
I wanted to scream for her to get up and run.
But I couldn't risk giving away my place, or she would get me too.

She was there.
I watched as she grabbed her and the girl looked up in terror.
The girl from two forced the poor child onto the floor and smirked.
I couldn't believe she enjoyed that.
I looked at the girl from twelve.
"Please! Please no!"
She was struggling fiercely to get away but she was weak compared to her opponent.

The girl from two gripped her knife and placed it beside her neck.
My eyes widened as I saw her slowly start dragging it across the girls neck.
Blood spurted out and the girl cried in agony.
My hand covered my moth as I watched in horror.
I decided I couldn't take it anymore and retreated back behind the rock.

The cannon boomed.

It was just the two of us.

I had nearly done it.

This was the last stretch.

A voice shouted from the clearing.
"Oh fish girl! Come out come out! I know your there! If you don't I'll just wait here! The sectors aren't fit for living anymore! You've got nowhere to run."

I breathed deeply as I searched for a plan.
But there was none.
I had to face her.
I had to do it.
Or I would die.

Fastening my knife belt, I gripped one in my hand tight. Taking a deep breath, I stepped out.

She was looking the other way.
I got into position to throw a knife at her but before I could, she turned around.

"Ah, there she is. You know, you may as well surrender now! Your never gonna win anyways."

I breathed deeply and a feeling of worry set into my stomach.

What if I wasn't going to get out of it alive?

"Oh, did you think you actually stood a chance against me? Ha!"

I narrowed my eyes at her.

"What? Your not gonna talk?" She teased.

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