Part One - Chapter Fourteen: Almost There.

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I sat in a tree, overlooking the beach, and just stared.
I wanted to cry.
I wanted to scream.
But I couldn't.
I felt numb.
Or just angry.
I couldn't tell.

I wasn't hungry but I knew I needed to eat.
I wasn't thirsty but I knew I needed to drink.
I just couldn't.

I had lost all hope of winning.
There was no way I could do it without Fawn.
So I gave up.
Waited for someone to find me.
But they didn't.

It got to nighttime and I looked up as the fallen tributes were displayed in the sky.

And there she was.
Her deep brown doe eyes stared directly at me.
I felt a tear roll down my cheek.
My stomach ached with grief.

"Im sorry." I whispered to her.
But just as quickly as she came, she was gone.

I sighed and slumped against the tree.
I was going to try and sleep but I didn't feel tired.

Then, I heard a beeping noise and from up above me came a sponsor gift.
It landed on the branch next to mine and so I reached over and opened it.

I read the note first, it said:
Audrey, I know it hurts and you feel like you want to give up but you have to keep going. Don't do it for me. Don't do it for yourself. Do it for Fawn. She would have wanted you to go on and win. So do it, for her. There are only five of you left. We're rooting for you, Finnick.

My eyes stung with tears but I blinked them away.
He was right, of course he was right.
I couldn't let's Fawn's sacrifice go to waste.
I had to do this, for her.

And so it was decided.
I was going to win those games.

But first I had to get some sleep.
So, I checked the rope that held me on my branch and laid against the tree to sleep.

I fell asleep almost instantly as I realised how exhausted I actually was. My subconscious took over my mind as I slipped away into a complete dreamland.


I woke the next morning to a cannon booming over the arena.
I sat up and rubbed my eyes.
Then it dawned on me, I was nearly in the top three.
I had nearly done it.

I made sure to eat and drink before jumping down from my tree and looking around to make sure no one was there waiting. It was fine.

I had nearly run out of food and so decided to go fishing for some more. I had learned how to spear fish at a very young age and so was very skilled at it.
I waded in with my spear that Finnick had gifted me and started looking for fish swimming past.

About twenty minutes later I was interrupted by the wind picking up and the waves getting bigger by the second. I looked up from the water to see a huge storm rolling in land. Not just a storm though, a tornado.

My stomach twisted in horror as I realised it was headed straight towards me and it was getting quicker.

I picked up my spear and ran, as fast as I could.
The sound of the tornado getting ever closer was becoming deafening and I winced as I pushed on.
I could feel the sand around me flying past as it was whipped up into a frenzy.

It was getting bad, trees were getting ripped from behind me and flying into the tornado.

I was still running, desperately clambering for the cornocopia.

The wind pushed against me and tried to force me into the whirlpool of death but I resisted. I had to get out of this, I just had to.

I could barely see as the sand was flying into my eyes and mouth. I couldn't hear anything apart from wind and thunder.

I couldn't breathe.
Every breath I took, it felt like I was just inhaling sand. But I still pushed on.
I had to make this.
Or I would have failed her.
And that was not an option.

The border was in sight now, I was so close and yet so far away from it. I needed to get there, I was desperate now. I knew I wasn't going to make it much longer if I didn't get out soon.

Whilst I was running I checked behind me to see how close the tornado actually was. It was right there, almost licking my heels. My eyes widened as I scrambled to get away. It was relentless, like a hungry wolf stalking its prey. It wasn't going to give up until it got what it wanted.

But I was better than it.
I was going to beat it.
My eyes were set on the finishing line as I raced the monster.

Come on Audrey, you can do it.
I imagined the people who were important in my life talking to me, cheering me on.
Archer was there with Finnick and Mags. They all motivated me to get there.

And suddenly there she was, by my side, running next to me was Fawn.

"Lets do this together. One final push and your there." She whispered as we ran.

I looked at her and nodded.

And we pelted it to that border.
We ran like never before.

And then I was there, and she was gone.

And so was the tornado.

Authors note:
This chapter is a bit short I know. Im still deciding whether to do one or two more chapters of the games? I mean they're pretty much over so there might just be one long one. We'll see.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter (even if it was short). Im currently on holiday so I might only update once more this week as I need some time to work on the ending of part one. We're actually nearly there!

Thanks for reading :)

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