Part One - Chapter Seven: Training.

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That night I dreamt about district four. My home. My family. I dreamt that my parents were still alive and we all lived happily together. Me and Archer helped fish and swam in the clear blue sea.

Archer splashed me and I splashed him back. Suddenly I heard a voice.

"Audrey! Audrey wake up! Come on child wake up!"

I felt myself being pulled away from my dream world. Away from my home. Away from my family and away from my moment of happiness.

I awoke to find Ronnie standing over me and yelling to try and get me up.

I opened my eyes and gasped as she moved away.

"Ronnie you scared me!" I breathed.

"Yes we'll it was the only way to get you to get up." She said sharply.

"Now come on. Up, get dressed! You've only got fifty minutes until training. I spent ten trying to wake you! Up, now." And with that she flustered out of the room mumbling something about me being insufferable and silly.

I rolled my eyes and sighed as I forced myself to get up and into the bathroom.

Whilst in the shower, I thought about my day.
What was training gonna be like? How should I act? Weak? But surely I wanted to at least train a bit so that I was ready. I bit the inside of my cheek nervously.

Once out of the shower, I got dressed in the training clothes that had been laid out for me and plaited my hair so that it was out of my face (Mags had taught me to use the hairdryer by then). Then I walked to the dining room for breakfast.

"There you are! For goodness sakes, you've only got twenty minutes until training starts!" Ronnie complained loudly.

"Come on, sit down and eat! Quickly!" She gestured frantically for me to sit down and I did.

For some reason we all seemed to sit in the same positions whenever we were at a table. Unfortunately for me that meant sitting next to Crimson (who glared and snarled at me) and Ronnie. I was opposite Finnick though, who gave me a smile as I sat down.

I decided that I wasn't very hungry as my nerves were taking over my body so I just settled for a slice of toast with butter and strawberry jam.

Finnick raised an eyebrow at me, questioning my food choice but I just shrugged and carried on eating.

"So, are you feeling ready for training?" Ronnie inquired.

"I'm so ready. I can't wait to show everyone what I can do. They're all gonna be scared of me." Crimson chuckled whilst eating a sausage.

Me and Finnick shared a look.

"Lovely." Ronnie then looked to me,
"What about you Audrey?"

"Uh, I guess. I mean if I'm still doing this tactic where I pretend to be sweet and innocent, then I'll just work on survival skills." I shrugged.

"I think that's a good idea." Finnick piped up.

"You don't wanna look like your showing off your talent, well you don't really wanna look like you have any, so don't use any weapons today. There will be a mandatory exercise that everyone has to do but just don't show off your talent." He advised.

I nodded. Suddenly my nerves felt ten times bigger and my leg started to shake. I stared at my half eaten slice of toast in front of me and decided that I wasn't gonna eat any more. The thought made me feel sick and I was not gonna take that chance.

"It's time! Finnick will take you down but after that, your on your own." Ronnie said.

Me, Crimson and Finnick stood up and walked silently out of the room toward the elevator.

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