Part One - Chapter Ten: The Hunger Games.

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As soon as the cannon signalled the start of the games, I ran.
As far away from the cornucopia as I could.
As fast as my legs would carry me.

I was about halfway toward the tree line of a forest when I heard it.
The first cannon.
Signifying the first death.
Someone was dead.
Someone was actually dead.
It was all too real now.
More cannons sounded rapidly one after another.

I nearly stopped in my tracks before I realised where I was and so I kept running.
I reached the tree line and decided to stop just behind a tree, I needed to take a breath.

I then realised that I had nothing.
No food, no water, nothing.
I knew that I might have to go back to the cornucopia to get something, once everyone had gone.
It would be risky, but worth it.
I needed something at least, even if it was just a knife it would help.

So I climbed a tree and waited.
Looking over the open field where the cornucopia sat, I saw the three other segments of the arena.

One looked to be a blazing hot desert and opposite was a blisteringly cold snowy landscape. Opposite my segment, which seemed to be a forest, was a beach that looked just like it belonged back in district four.

I thought that quite a few tributes would go to the beach as you can fish for food and so, even though fishing was one of my best skills, I decided to steer clear of there for the moment.

I needed to find Fawn but she could have been anywhere. She could be.....

I didn't want to think about it. I couldn't face the thought that my only ally could have been killed within the first ten minutes of the games.

I looked down and saw that the only people left at the cornucopia were the careers, who had teamed up with Crimson and looked like they were getting ready to go hunting.

I prayed that they wouldn't choose to go to my segment. If they did, there was no way I was getting down from that tree anytime soon.

I gazed at the bodies that littered the ground.
There must have been at least six if not more.
They looked horrific.
I couldn't look at them for long.
It made me sick to my stomach.

I then saw the careers walking away in the opposite direction to me.
I silently cheered and waited for them to enter the beach terrain and be out of sight.
Once they were, I jumped down from my tree and gazed out of the tree line.

This was risky.
So risky.
Finnick would tell me not to do it.
I could almost see him back home.
Yelling at the screen for me not to do it.
But I had to.
Cause I needed supplies.
And this was pretty much the only way to get them.

And with that I ran.
Toward the cornucopia.
Halfway there my brain started to panic.
It definitely didn't think this was a good idea.
But there was no turning back now.
I was three quarters of the way there. So close.

I finally made it.
I wasted no time in grabbing a rucksack and a belt full of knives.
Then I looked out and checked that the cost was clear.
And I ran back.
All the way.
And I made it.
For now.

But this time when I got to the tree line I kept on running. All the way deep into the forest so that I could be as far away from the careers as possible.

Then I heard a noise from behind me, or at least I thought it was behind me, and so I turned to look whilst still running.

Suddenly, I smashed into something and fell back onto the ground.

Quickly drawing a knife from my belt I realised it was a person.

And when that person turned around my eyes widened.

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