Part One - Chapter Nine: The Morning Before.

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I woke early that morning.
Really early.
Like before Ronnie was even up.
And it takes her hours to do her makeup and hair.

I looked outside and the sun was just rising.
There was no use in trying to get back to sleep so I decided to go and sit in the living room.
It held a big window that you could gaze on all of the Capitol from.

I sat there, just trying not to think about what was to come later that day.
But it was all I could think about.

I was going into the hunger games.
And I was probably going to die.

I mean, I barely had a strategy!
I was just gonna, hope for the best.
That's definitely not what you wanna do in a game of survival.

Suddenly I couldn't breathe.
I felt like the walls were closing in on me.
This was actually happening.
And there was nothing I could do about it.
My chest was closing up.
And I couldn't breathe.

I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, are you okay?" A voice came from behind me.
I quickly recognised it as Finnicks voice.

"Um, yeah. I'm.... Fine." I struggled out between trying to breathe deeply.

"Audrey look at me." He instructed.

I looked over and saw a concerned look on his face.

"Okay, breathe when I breathe." He started breathing in and out deeply and I tried to copy him.

After a few minutes I had calmed down. I felt my chest relax and finally I could breathe normally again.

"You good?" Finnick asked, still concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine don't worry. Sorry about that." I apologised. I looked down feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Hey, you don't have to apologise. I get it." He reassured.

I nodded and sighed whilst gazing out the window.

"Why are you up so early?" He asked.

"I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep." I explained.

"How you feeling?" He inquired.

"Honestly? Terrified." I said truthfully.

"I get it. I was completely petrified before my games." He said.

I just nodded in response.

"Hey." He put his hands on my shoulders.
"Your gonna be okay."

"But we don't know that. I might die in there Finnick. It's a one in twenty four chance of me surviving. Face it. I'm probably not gonna make it out." I said truthfully.

"Don't say that Audrey. If you go in there with a negative mindset, then you will die. But if you have a positive mentality, you have a chance. I'm not saying me cocky or happy about it. But you need to have hope." He told me.

"Okay." I nodded.
"Thanks Finnick."

"Anytime." He smiled and patted my shoulder.
"Right, we had better get ready for today." We stood up and walked to our separate rooms.

I decided to take my time in the shower, it was gonna be my last one for months maybe?
It all depended on how long the game makers wanted the games to be this year.
They had been pretty long last year so I had expected them to be pretty quick. Maybe only a week?
One week.
One week to win.
One week to kill twenty three people.
I knew I wouldn't kill them all but they would still be dead.
And I would be alive.
If I won that is.

I found myself getting lost in thoughts of the arena. What it would be like? What would we have to face?

Suddenly I realised I had lost track of time and so got on with washing my hair.

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