Part One - chapter three: The Train part two.

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As I walked down the corridor of the train the smell of food hit me. It smelt amazing and I suddenly realised just how hungry I was.
We reached the doors to the dining compartment and it opened automatically.
My eyes widened as I saw all the food that lay on the table.
It really was a feast.
There were starters, mains and deserts.
Anything you could think of.

I felt really overwhelmed by it all and Ronnie had to give me a nudge to go and sit down as I was frozen to the spot.

Is sat in the place that I had earlier and as I sat down Finnick smiled at me.

"You okay?" He asked whilst sipping his drink.

"Um yeah I'm fine." I replied, a bit distracted by the food.

"Help yourselves dears! Eat as much as you want." Ronnie nodded.

That was all Crimson needed before tucking in.
I waited for him to finish plating his up and then I started deciding what I wanted.
In the end I went for a pasta dish with this garlic bread thing. And for desert I had chocolate cake.

It was the best meal I had ever eaten in my life. When I had finished, I felt like I couldn't move, or even breathe.

"Alright there Audrey?" Finnick smirked.

"Yeah, fine just full." I exhaled.

He chuckled and went to say something to Mags but before he could, Crimson piped up.

"So, what do we do?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" Finnick furrowed his eyebrows.

"Like how do we win, what's the strategy?"

"Uh, well, you gotta find what's best for you. I mean I would say that you should try and make people scared of you, since your quite tall and old." He paused to look at me and Crimson nodded.

"But Audrey, well she's, she's...." He trailed off, trying to find the right words.

"Small? Weak? Probably not gonna win? It's okay I know." I rolled my eyes.

"No no, that's not what I was gonna say." He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Finnick it's fine. Like I said, I already know." I shrugged my shoulders and took a drink of water.

"Shush, that's not true. Now what I was going to say was: You may be smaller than most but, you could be deadly. What I would do is play innocent and weak for a while and focus on just surviving until there's only a few of you left and then you can strike." He concluded.

"That's not a bad idea." I said.

"I know." He smirked cockily.

I rolled my eyes and looked to Ronnie who had cleared her throat.

"Well we've all got a very exciting day tomorrow! The tributes more than any of us. We're going to the Capitol! Isn't that exciting!" She talked to us like we were five years old.
"So I would suggest that you both get a nice, early nights sleep. Come on!" She gestured for us all to follow her out of the room.

"But shouldn't we clean up first?" I inquired.

"Ha! Don't be silly, there's people who do that for you here. Come now, we have a big day tomorrow." And with that she flourished out of the room.

Crimson left behind her and I was just about to follow until my name was called.

"Audrey!" I turned to face the mentors.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Mags wanted me to tell you that she thinks you really might have a chance." He translated.

I nodded at her, "Thank you. Goodnight."
She signed something which I thought meant goodnight or something like that.

"Night Audrey." Finnick smiled.

"Night Finnick."

And with that I left to go to my room where I hoped  to get just a bit of sleep. I didn't feel tired but I knew that as soon as my head touched that pillow I would. So I got ready for bed into some pyjamas that had been provided. They were blue and white and had kind of a swirly pattern on them.
"There's a surprise." I thought out loud.

I yawned and climbed into bed. I had been right. As soon as I did, I felt myself get drowsy and my eyes began to close.
My last thought before I fell asleep was of district four. My home. That I already missed so dearly. I wished I could go back.

Authors note:
Look at me! Two chapters in one day!
I think the next time I will be able to get one out will be Tuesday or Thursday.
This one was definitely shorter than the other one but I think it's okay.
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it :)

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