Part One - Chapter Eleven: The First Kill.

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I woke the next morning to the light shining onto my face. My eyes blinked open as I looked over to see Fawn gazing out of the cave. I realised that it was morning and she hadn't woken me to keep watch.

She looked over and saw that I was awake. The dimples in her checks became prominent as she smiled softly at me.

"Morning princess." She nodded and went back to looking out.

"Why didn't you wake me? Did you even get any sleep last night?" I asked.

"Well, you just looked so peaceful when you slept and I couldn't bring myself to wake you." She admitted.

"So you didn't get any sleep whatsoever?" I was concerned.

"No but it's okay. I wasn't really tired anyway." She told me.

I sighed and got up, "I'm just gonna check the trap."

"Great I'm starving." Fawn said.

I checked the coast was clear before walking out. Once I got to the trap, I realised that there was something in it. I think it was a squirrel. I had seen in training that they were safe to eat so I brought it back to the cave.

When I walked in, Fawns face lit up.

"It actually caught something? Amazing. I'll light a fire." She quickly got to work and soon a fire was blazing.

I tied the squirrel to a stick and held it over the fire, making sure to rotate it every now and then so it didn't burn.
We sat in silence by the fire. I watched the flames licking the skin of this squirrel as they danced around it and got lost in my thoughts.

"Audrey!" My head snapped up.

"What? What?!" I looked around panicked:

"Your gonna burn the meat!" Fawn pointed out.

I exhaled and turned the stick over.
"Jesus." I felt my heart slow down.

"What?" Fawn asked.

"I thought something had happened, like we were being ambushed or something!" I exclaimed.

"Ohhhh, no. I just wanted to make sure you didn't burn the only food we have." She explained.

"Fair enough." I chuckled and inspected the squirrel.
"I think it's done." I nodded and started cutting it into pieces with one of my knives.

Once I was done, I handed an equal amount of pieces to the both of us and we both started eating.

The meat was a bit chewy and the taste wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst food ever.

"Hm. Not bad." Fawn commented whilst eating.

I nodded in agreement.

A comfortable silence fell over us as we eat our first meal of the games. I tried to enjoy it. I mean who knew? Maybe it was my last meal ever? You just couldn't tell in those games.

"So," Fawn started as we finished our food.

"What do you wanna do today?" I asked.

"I reckon we stay put for a bit longer, focus on surviving." She advised.

I hummed in agreement. Even if the tributes weren't gonna kill us, who knew what the game makers had in store? Nothing bad had happened in our sector yet and I reckoned it was gonna happen soon. I think Fawn did too, that was why she suggested just focusing on survival.


For the rest of the day we collected supplies, we even found some water in a lake nearby the cave.

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