Part One - Chapter Six: The Opening Ceremony.

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After hours of being waxed, plucked, shaved and basically abused, I was finally told that I was ready for my stylist.

I had decided that I hated my styling team.
They were uptight, stuck up and arrogant (then again so was the rest of the Capitol) and I hated them.

"Well dear your finally ready!" A woman wearing a neon green wig had told me.
"We'll send Asia in but until then, stay there and do not move." Another wearing a pink wig instructed. Then, they flourished out the room whilst talking in what I think was meant to be whispers. I'm pretty sure they were talking about me.

Once they were gone I sat there, waiting.
I prayed that my main stylist was nicer than those people, I was really scared for what I was going to be made to wear for the opening ceremony. I wasn't excited.

Suddenly a voice that came from the doorway made me jump. "Hello dear." This voice was softer than the others. It was coming from a woman that was just standing there, in the doorway, as if she was asking for my permission to come in.

"Hello." I didn't really know what else to say so I just smiled.

The woman had dark skin and was wearing a beautiful orange dress, not like the others though. Her dress was simple, yet elegant. Her hair was black and ran down the side of her head in a braid.

"Sorry I didn't mean to startle you." She said as she walked into the room slowly.
"I'm Asia, your stylist." She explained and held her hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Audrey." I took her hand and shook it gently.

"Your thirteen, correct?" She asked.

"Um, yes." I nodded.

She looked at me with sympathy, "I'm going to make sure that everyone is looking at you tonight. The Capitol already love you and so I am going to enhance that." She explained.

"What am I gonna be wearing?" I inquired concerned.

"Oh don't worry dear, I am only going to build on your natural beauty, I won't be changing or replacing anything" she reassured with a soft smile.

Somehow I believed her. I trusted her. I felt safe with her.

"Okay." I agreed with a nod and she got to work.


"And...... done!" Asia said as she finished the final touches of my makeup.
She stood back and nodded.
"Yep, your ready." She smiled.

"Do I look okay?" I questioned.

"You look amazing dear, don't worry." She could sense my nerves.
"Come! Look in the mirror." She guided me toward the full length mirror that hung on the wall.

I gasped as I saw my appearance.

"The districts seem to be going for a sort of god/goddess theme so your inspiration was a sea goddess, Crimson is a sea god." She explained.

"Wow." I breathed.

The dress was long and flowing with lots of layers. It was a beautiful blue with green and white intwined in it. There were even flecks of gold here and there that really made it sparkle.
My hair was left in its natural wavy condition with half being up and half being down. Circling my head was a piece of wire that had shells and seaweed attached. Flowing from the wire was a fishing net that covered my whole hair.
Around my wrists were gold bracelets that had a design that reminded me of the ocean and on my finger I wore a ring that had a pearl sitting delicately in it.
On my face I had gold eyeshadow and blue lipstick.

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