Part Two - Chapter 11: The Turntable.

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We were sat on the cornocopia, discussing which parts of the arena were what numbers of the clock.

"So 12 to 1, lightning..." Peeta said as he pointed to the map he had drawn in the black sand.

"Then 1 to 2 is blood... then fog... then monkeys..."
He carried on.

Wiress was sat on the edge of the island, repeating the same song over again.
I liked Wiress but man that song was getting annoying.

"And then 10 to 11 is the wave... what about everywhere else? Did you guys see anything?" Katniss asked.

Joanna shook her head, "Nothing but blood."

I grimaced, that can't have been nice, I was glad I didn't have to experience that.
Although the poison fog wasn't exactly a treat.

"Well it doesn't matter, as long as we steer clear of whichever sectors active, we should be safe." Peeta nodded.

Finnick shrugged, "Yeah, relatively speaking..."

I went to say something but was cut off by a gasp that came from Wiress.

My head wiped round to see a career pulling his knife out of her, my eyes widened as we stepped forward to attack.

Katniss was fast and shot the career straight in the chest with an arrow.

I looked away as they both fell in the water.
No matter how much death I saw, it always made me feel weird inside. I don't think I would ever get used to it.

I was pulled out of my train of thought when another career, Gloss, came running up towards us.

I felt Joanna shove me out of the way as she threw her axe hitting Gloss square in her head.

I turned to see Finnick fighting off both Brutus and Enobaria, I ran to help him as Katniss tried to shoot but missed.

They both ran around to the other side of the Cornocopia and we rushed to find them.

I was hot on Enobarias tail when suddenly I felt my feet get taken from underneath me, I hit the ground hard and was winded. I gasped as I scrambled to hold onto a part of the island as the whole thing started to spin.

I held on as tightly as I could as I also tried to dodge the numerous boxes of knifes and other weapons that were flying out of the cornocopia.

That's when it hit me.
A knife right in my left arm.

I cried out in pain as I immediately lost grip of the rock and was sent tumbling into the thrashing waves.

Then, it all went black.


"Audrey? Audrey!" Finnick called as he frantically ran around the rock to try and find her. He saw Enobaria and Brutus running off into the woods but Audrey was nowhere to be seen.

"I think she was taken under..." Joanna said as she scanned the water for any sign of Audrey.

Everyone had joined in the hunt for her, they all looked in the water for what seemed like forever until Peeta shouted.

"There! She's there!" He had spotted her body just underneath the surface.

Finnick wasted no time in immediately diving in and swimming for her. He reached her in no time and pulled her body out of the water and onto the rocks.

He scanned her body for any injuries and noticed the bleeding gash at the top of her left arm.

"She's... she's not breathing... shit..." He started doing chest compressions.

"Audrey come on... come on Audrey..." He pleaded for her to wake up.

The others had gathered round to watch, they had all become quite fond of the young girl and didn't want to lose her.

"Joanna can you do mouth to mouth..." He signaled for her to start and she did.

"Finnick she's not waking up..." She said in a worried voice.

"No no she will. She will wake up." He shook his head and continued to do CPR. He wasn't giving up anytime soon.

"Finnick she's not..." Joanna started until suddenly...


I gasped as my eyes shot open and I was sent into a coughing fit. I coughed up a load of water that had been in my lungs.

"Audrey! Your... your..." He sighed in relief as he patted my back as I coughed.

"Now that really is a surprise..." Joanna says whilst standing back up again.

I finished coughing and sighed when I was pulled into a bone crushing hug from Finnick.

"Don't ever do that again!" He says and he clings to me tight.

"Ow... Finn... your hurting me..." I say as I try to push him off.

He eventually lets go and scans me for any injuries again.

"Are you okay? Oh god your arm..." He hold it and inspects the wound.

"Finn I'm fine..." I try to brush him off.

"You are not fine. This looks pretty deep... we've gotta apply pressure." He then proceeded to rip a part of his wetsuit off and tie it round my wound.

I winced as the pain of the right fabric being pressed against it shoots through my arm.

"She's going to need treatment for that, otherwise it will get infected." Beetee says from where he's standing.

"How long until it gets infected?" Peeta asks.

"Well I would say two to three days but in here... I don't know..." He shakes his head.

"We should get going." I say and start to get up.

"No we, we need to find a way of preventing this from getting any worse." Finnick puts a hand on my shoulder.

"We can't, without proper treatment which we don't have. So if it gets infected then so be it. It's not my weapon arm so I can still defend myself. Besides, the careers are probably making a plan about how they're going to kill us right now so we should be doing the same." I stand up.

"She's got a point Finnick." Joanna nods.

He looks at me worriedly, but reluctantly agrees and we all make our way towards the beach.

Authors note:

Sorry about the crap ending, I needed to end it there because getting into the whole jabberjay thing in this chapter would have made it way two long.
Also this chapter is really short and I'm sorry about that lol. I think the next one will be quite short as well but the last one will be long asf so look forward to that!

But guys!
We literally only have two (or maybe three) chapters left of part two!
That's crazy.

I've decided that I am going to do mockingjay part one and two, it might take a while but they will be coming.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter,
Thanks for reading :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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