Part Two - Chapter nine: Welcome to the jungle.

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I dove headfirst into the water and swam like my life depended on it, which it basically did.
Since I'm such a good swimmer, I was one of the first to get to the cornocopia.

I ran and grabbed a rucksack and a belt of knifes, I slightly fumbled though and took too long.

I suddenly felt a hand grab my shoulder, and shove me to the ground. I got a glimpse of the person and didn't recognise him really. He kicked me in the ribs and then put a foot on my chest to hold me down whilst he raised a machete, ready to bring it down on my chest. I struggled to get away but he was too strong.

Before he got a chance to kill me though he was ripped off of me and stabbed in the chest with a trident. I breathed a sigh of relief when I realised it was Finnick. He grabbed me and pulled me to my feet.

"Audrey, are you okay? He didn't hurt you did he?" He checked me for injuries.

"No... I think I'm fine..." I nodded and shook it off.

"I've allied with Katniss but we need to find Peeta. Let's go." He ran off and I followed.

We spotted him in the water wrestling with another male tribute. Finnick immediately dove in and swam towards him. I ran and stood next to Katniss who was watching with furrowed brows and a worried face.

We watched as both Peeta and the other tribute disappeared underwater. I held my breath in anticipation but then gasped when I heard a cannon go off.

Oh god...
A body floated to the top but we couldn't see who it was.
Suddenly Peeta burst to the top, both me and Katniss breathed a sigh of relief.
Finnick reached him and they both swam back together.

They got back, Katniss pulled Peeta out and Finnick hauled himself up.

They caught their breath and Finnick said,
"We should get going... we need to find cover..."

We all nodded and headed for the coverage.
As soon as we reached the border where the sand turned into soil, it became suffocatingly hot. We ran further into the rainforest and by the time we stopped, we were all sweating buckets.

We stopped and crouched down for a bit.
I flinched as I heard the cannon go off a few more times.

"Well I guess we're not holding hands anymore..." Finnick smirked.

I sighed with disappointment and hit him on the arm, "Finnick!"

"You think thats funny?" Katniss asked him with a glare.

"Every time that cannon goes off, it's music to my ears. I don't care about any of them." He shrugged and I glared at him.

"Good to know..." I shrunk back slightly as I saw her put her hand on her katana and draw it slowly.

Finnick put his hand slightly in front of me,
"You wanna face the career pack alone? What would Haymitch say?"

"Haymitch isn't here." They both glared daggers at each other.

I glanced at Peeta and he looked at me with worry.
I cleared my throat and he said,
"We should get going..."

"Yeah that's a good idea." I agreed and stood up. He motioned for me to walk with him and Finnick and Katniss were forced to follow.

We walked for a while and I found myself walking next to Finnick. It had only been a few hours and I was already exhausted.

I was lost in thought until suddenly I head Katniss scream, "PEETA NO!" My head snapped up just in time to see Peeta crash into the force field.

He was thrown back straight into me and I went flying into a tree. I hit my head and grazed my back but stood up anyways.

I saw Finnick grab Peeta and start giving him out to mouth, Katniss started to draw an arrow as she thought he was gonna hurt him but I grabbed her arm.

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