20. Aye Yae Yae!

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Kanari shut her eyes briefly as she heard those words, as if trying to will away the inevitable force of nature that was undoubtedly hurtling toward her. A man with messy white hair and shiny red horns appeared before her, a green-haired lady with a mask trailing behind him.

"Hi, Itto. Hi, Shinobu," she said with an extremely strained tone. Ayato glanced at her, eyebrows raised in questioning.

"Kanari! It's been sooo long," Itto lamented, his mannerisms enthusiastic. "Where have you been? I haven't seen you around with fishy at all!" He slapped a hand on her back, grabbing her shoulder. Kanari could do nothing more but stand awkwardly, half convinced her soul left her body as Itto patted her.

"She's been promoted," Ayato said, a cold hint in his voice that went unnoticed by Itto. He gently reached out behind her and brushed Itto's hand off her shoulder, earning himself a look of gratitude from Kanari.

"And who are you?" Itto inquired, as if he'd only just noticed Ayato standing there.

"Akio, a friend of Kanari's," responded Ayato, nodding slightly.

"It's a bit bold of you to assume you're my friend, buddy," Kanari remarked, a shadow of a smirk on her face.

Shinobu snorted, a mischievous look on her half-concealed face. "Is he your boyfriend, then?" She asked innocently.

"No?! What?" Kanari cried, shooting Shinobu a glare.

Ayato only laughed, which, Kanari decided, could sound either angelic or maniacal, entirely depending on the context.

"Y—" Kanari cleared her throat. "Akio, this is Arataki Itto—" she gestured to Itto and Shinobu, respectively "—and Kuki Shinobu."

"That's Arataki "Numero Uno" Itto, leader of the almighty Arataki Gang, to you!" Itto added gallantly.

"So what are you doing here in town?" Shinobu asked, twirling one of her daggers casually. "You're almost always with Kokomi or Gorou."

"Just taking a walk," Kanari responded quietly. "What about you two? Where's the rest of the gang?"

"We're putting up flyers for the Almighty Arataki Extraordinary and Exhilarating Extreme Beetle Brawl!!" Explained Itto, excitedly showing Ayato and Kanari a poster. It was hand drawn, with text written in rather childish handwriting.

"Legal flyers, mind you," Shinobu added. "I'm not bailing the gang out for the millionth time."

Ayato glanced at Kanari, giving her a look of intrigue. She shrugged helplessly. She wasn't affiliated with whatever the Arataki Gang were up to. That was Shinobu's problem.

"By the way, you said you were promoted?" The masked girl asked.

"Yep, to royal advisor," Ayato answered for her, shaking the cup of boba still in his hands. "Right hand and personal confidant of the king."

"And babysitter," Kanari muttered so only Ayato could hear. He smirked at her remark, raising an eyebrow in amusement.

"Woaaaaah, you must be rich, then!" Itto said, his face slack with awe.

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