21. Phoenix

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TW: Abus3, fire/burning
Silence hung in the air as Ayato and Kanari walked beside each other, savoring the last few moments of peace. They took the scenic route back, having decided this with an unspoken agreement. The sun was getting higher in the bright sky, illuminating the world with its warm gaze.

As they walked on, Kanari kept her eyes on the buildings around them. It was getting increasingly familiar, in a way that made her stomach twist. Soon enough, she realized they were on the road she hated the most. The road she dreaded walking on. In the eight years after leaving the orphanage, she'd tried desperately to avoid this route.

She crossed her arms to keep her hands from shaking, willing fiercely for her body to comply, but of course, it would not. Ayato kept glancing at her strangely, as if he sensed her anxiety. They both said nothing, though.

They turned a corner and Kanari could sense an unnerving presence on her left. She forced herself to look to the right, skimming the ever familiar shops and houses. Most of them hadn't changed a bit, even after all this time. That was Inazuma for you.

Yet, no matter what she did to avert her gaze, when they passed the building she dreaded the most in the entire city, her eyes were drawn to it. It was as if time froze as she stared at the wrecked manor in front of her. The iron gate was rusted, and covered with ivy. The house inside was blackened and burned, with even more ivy and vines crawling all around the walls. Trees grew sloppily in the front yard, shadowing the place. It was obviously very unkempt, which was mostly her doing.

As if someone took control of her body, she walked toward it, until she was right in front of the gate. Ayato followed her, a concerned expression on his face. Kanari did nothing to acknowledge his presence behind her, and instead put a hand on the gate, pausing for a long moment.

"Young lady, you can't go in. That's private property," an elderly voice said. A woman with greying hair came hobbling towards them on a cane. It took Kanari a few seconds to realize that she was an aged version of the lady that baked pastries across the street every weekend. She suddenly remembered taking in the sweet scent that filled the air, wishing she could go outside and have a piece with the other children.

"Thank you for the warning, but I'm aware," she told the lady with a pained smile. "I'm the owner of the property."

She could feel Ayato's astonished stare boring into her back as she said this. The lady's eyes flew open with surprise and a look of recognition flashed in her eyes.

"You're the little girl that lived here," she said, her expression softening. "Well, it's rather dangerous in there. If you go in, be careful, dear."

"Thank you," Kanari thanked softly, nodding her head once. The lady walked away after giving Kanari one final kind look, leaving only Ayato standing behind her. She stared at her hand on the gate once more. She could leave right now, and never discuss what happened here, or she could go in, shaking hands and all.

She pushed the gate open.

It was unlocked, like she knew it was. A large creak sounded as it swung awkwardly open, inviting whoever wished to enter its domain of overgrown wildlife. She took a step in, her foot automatically going to the first stepping stone on the path. After a moment's hesitation, she continued walking in, Ayato behind her. The gate shut, and she turned behind her to look at Ayato, momentarily free from her trance. He had closed the gate as he walked in. He examined the house in front of him with a look of intrigue and... fear?

Kanari walked forward warily, taking in the sight. The house was mostly covered in plants, but the charred walls beneath were very much visible. Roof tiles and various other tiny details were missing, presumably lost to time.

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