38. Black And White Are Still Shades Of Grey

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 "People can be so disappointing."

Ayato's voice was lined with daggers, a coarse quality to it akin to sandpaper. Under the harsh lighting of the interrogation room, his handsome features became menacing. There was no teasing glimmer in his eyes, nor was there any hint of a smile. 

"So easily swayed by a few words and prizes..."

He crossed his arms and leaned against the cold stone wall, eyes narrowed. His hair was shiny once more, having freshened up. In his crisp uniform, one could call him statuesque to the point of perfection. The hilt of his sword glistened as it hung a little too obviously from his belt. 

"I didn't think you were going to turn out to be one of those cowards when I appointed you my left hand."

The former General Kujou shifted in her seat, uncomfortable under the stark influence of the light and Ayato's words. The iron cuffing her hands and feet clinked with her every movement. She mumbled something under her breath, her sharp tone distinguishable, though her words were not.

"Do speak up. We haven't an eternity for whispers," Ayato said, looking down at her with disgust.

"You appointed me your left hand and that was all I was. You don't care for anyone but yourself, your family, and a select few," Sara remarked, spitting out her words like they gave her a foul taste. 

"Is that what your employers told you? How primitive."

"They didn't have to tell me much to open my eyes to your abuse of power."

At this, Ayato raised his eyebrows, intrigued. "Do tell me more about my alleged crimes you seem to want to hold me accountable for. Are they so terrible that you would put the lives of your friends in danger?"

Sara frowned. "I do not need to justify my actions to you, Your Maj—"

"Keep my form of address out of your mouth when you so obviously hold no respect for me," Interrupted Ayato, a hand gliding to the hilt of his sword. "It is, frankly, insulting."

A clang echoed throughout the barren room as metal scraped against an ornate iron scabbard. In his hands was a sword, as regal as its wielder. A pale blue shell ornament dangled precariously from the tip of the handle, its tassel swishing from the movement. The azure blade shone in various shades of blue while golden streaks lined its sides, an imitation of waves caressing sandy shores. The radiant icy blue hilt was curved in the shapes of foam splashing wildly against cliffsides.

Haran Geppaku Futsu.

And it was pointing directly at Sara.

"You will answer me." The authority in his tone was clear. "I do not wish to inflict upon you the crude methods of extracting information I have at my disposal. They are messy and create unreliable intel. However, if you continue to defy me, I shall have no other choice."

His words showed mercy though his eyes did not. They were almost glowing as he stepped out of the shadows, filled with hatred so venomous it burned away at the recipient of his gaze.

"So tell me, what makes you so convinced of my treachery?"

Sara's shock at having a blade pointed at her subsided rapidly, her expression hardening. "The favoritism you display is sickening. You reward people by personal preference rather than merit."

"Oh? What makes you think that?"


Ayato let out a shaky breath at her name. "I thought she was your friend."

"She barely did anything but look at her now."

"She's kidnapped."

"She's become your advisor. Your right hand. The second most powerful person in the entire nation, and she doesn't even know it. You're using her abilities for your own gain," Sara said, shaking her head.

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