46. The Inu-bility To Take My Eyes Off Your Smile

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"All at once, a realization flashed through the detective's mind like lightning strikes the ground amidst a thunderstorm, illuminating everything withi— Hey, don't pull too hard."

Kanari lowered the book she was reading, revealing a smug Ayato looking down at her. Sighing, she placed the open book on her chest and reached up. She flicked the top of his head gently, frowning as he kept on twirling strands of her hair.

"You're making a mess of my hair," she chastised, attempting to shake his hands from her head. "Stop playing with it otherwise I'll get out of your lap and drag you back to work."

They were sitting in the Kamisato family room, or perhaps Ayato was the one sitting for Kanari had her head laid down on his lap. It had become a bit of a tradition for them to read a book together, which, in all honesty, mostly meant Kanari reading a book out loud while Ayato found a way to pester her for his own amusement. Though, while he appeared to be unfocused with the story, his concentration skills were unsettlingly good, as he was always able to correctly answer any question Kanari shot him to check if he was indeed paying attention.

Sometimes, Ayaka or Thoma would also join them, and Kanari would notice a different kind of spark glowing within Ayato's eyes. And after he told her about the history of the room, it did not take long to discern why that was so. It was simple, truly. This room had not been used in such a cheerful way for years, being a mere place that held suffocating memories of lives lost to time. But like the rainbow that appears after the storm, they'd all found a way to light up the room once more. It must've been like witnessing a miracle for Ayato to see all the warmth he'd once cherished return. Perhaps the sun shines brightest when it parts the blankets of the darkened heavens.

"It's so soft though," Ayato remarked, continuing to tussle with her white locks. "Besides, you can't escape. You promised me you'd read me a book today."

She gave him a stern look, but to her dismay, all she received in return was a wily chuckle. "You are such a child sometimes. How are you going to stop me when your hands seem to be occupied with messing up my bun?"

"Oh darling, I can always stop you with my lips."

An obvious blush spread across Kanari's face at such a comment. At this rate, she would never get used to Ayato's absolutely shameless flirting. It seemed that he'd taken her silent response as surrender, for his grin grew wider.

"Cat got your tongue?" He asked almost innocently, a finger tracing her pink face.

"Shut up," Kanari shot back, lifting the book up once more to cover her face. "—illuminating everything within the near vici—"

Before she could continue, Ayato jutted in. "Using the book to hide from me? How crude."

"—vicinity. After all this time, the full picture finally appeared to h—"

"Must I flirt with you even more to get your attention?" Ayato sighed, interrupting her once more. At this, Kanari lowered her book again and gave him another frown.

"Don't you want to find out what happens?" She raised her eyebrows. "I thought you were interested in finding out the murderer."

"Well, I am, but I'm arguably more interested in you."

This time, Kanari somehow blushed even more. Her face was slowly turning into the shade of the carpet in the halls outside, and she feared it would stay that way for a while with how many flowery words were leaving Ayato's mouth.

She sighed. "Why must you be so—"

But before she could finish her sentence, a soft click sounded on the door. Both Ayato and Kanari paused, their eyes shifting to the source of the noise. The intensity of the brittle tension within the room heightened as the door finally swung open to reveal the interferer.

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