4. Just How Fast The Knight Changes

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Kanari laid on the bed, staring at the stone ceiling above her. She stayed completely still, with only the gentle rhythm of her breathing showings signs of life within her. Her eyes gazed at the ceiling, yet they were barely comprehending anything. As strange as it was, this was her favorite way to truly think. She simply dissociated from reality and let her entire mind swim in a sea of thoughts, refusing to take in reality.

She'd been excused from duties for the rest of the afternoon, so she was just swirling in her own thoughts until Kokomi's shift ended. She and her friend shared a place in the knight's quarters. They each had a bed and a chest of drawers for personal use, but they had to share the small writing desk and dining table. They also shared a small bathroom with only a shower, a toilet, and a small sink. It was a rather cramped space, to be honest, but they enjoyed each other's company, so it worked.

Kanari glanced at the clock sitting on the drawer to her right. The copper hands showed quarter past seven, which meant Kokomi's shift had  ended fifteen minutes ago. Usually, they'd pick up dinner together and come eat in their room, or eat with Sara and Gorou. Tonight, though, Kokomi would probably be rushing home with her dinner, eager to hear about her roommate's day.

Kanari chuckled as she thought about her best friend. She'd met Kokomi on her first day after getting accepted into the royal knights, and they became fast friends. She remembered that day dearly. She had sat alone, eating her lunch, when the cheery girl came to sit with her. They bonded quickly over their love of puzzles and books, and while Kanari did find her friend's "energy levels" strange at first, it became endearing over time.

Recounting the four years worth of memories she'd made was what kept Kanari so hesitant to accept the king's offer. If she would accept, he wouldn't have nearly as much time with her friends anymore, except for maybe Sara. She'd be part of the court, a place she clearly didn't belong in, and she would spend most of her day with the king.

The thought made her so unbelievably nervous.

To be in the constant presence of someone so powerful... Kanari shut her eyes firmly, trying to banish her anxiety away. The king didn't seem like a cruel person during their meeting, but then again he could be hiding something. Her eyes fluttered open again. She wished she didn't doubt their benevolent ruler so. Surely not every person in power was cruel? Sara was commanding, yes, but also kind.

She had no reason to fear.


A loud click broke Kanari from her thoughts. She sat up to see Kokomi entering their room, carrying a bag that smelled like... sushi?

"Kanari! You're here!!" Kokomi set her things down and ran to Kanari's bed, immediately sitting down next to her. "You disappeared all afternoon! What happened? What did the king want from you? Are you promoted?? Sara wouldn't tell me anything..."

"Calm down, Koko." Kanari chuckled a little at her friend's multitude of questions. "Sara took me to the king's office, and he complimented my idea."


"Well, he asked me to play chess with him..."

"HUH??? Why would he do that?!"

"I have no idea, but I won with black," said Kanari, a smile appearing on her face. As humble as she was, she couldn't help but be proud of this achievement.

Kokomi's eyes glistened with awe as she listened intently to her friend's words. She clapped her hands softly, applauding Kanari for her success. It was well-known that the king was a mastermind with games like chess, so her friend's actions were no easy feat.

"That's amazing!" Cried Kokomi, her face filled with glee. "Do you think he was testing you?"

"Maybe? He did ask me if I wanted to uh..." Kanari cleared her throat "Be his royal advisor?"

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