26. Lonely Lady, Shall We Dance?

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It was a strange sensation, being dressed so finely. The billowing petals of Kanari's dress wrapped around her legs loosely, mimicking an upside-down rose. Her silvery white hair was tucked into a tight bun, as usual. The periwinkle heels she wore made barely a sound against the carpeted halls as she walked down the corridor.

Apprehension filled her mind as she continued walking down the halls, filling her every step with hesitation. She found herself clawing away at her wrists again, stopping once she caught herself in the act. She wished she could be anywhere else but the palace at that very moment. The mere prospect of having to mingle with various snobbish nobles was enough to make her go insane.

A man in a white suit stood waiting for her at the end of the hallway, a smile appearing on his face as she approached. His hands behind his back, he awaited her arrival eagerly, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"Good evening," Ayato breathed, staring at her, lips parted slightly.

"Good evening," replied Kanari, not meeting his gaze.

"You look stunning tonight," he remarked, inching closer to her ever so slightly. His grin grew wider still with each passing second.

Kanari widened her eyes at his sudden comment, taken aback by the sheer boldness of it. "You as well," she replied, unsure of how to respond.

Ayato was wearing a white suit over a light-blue vest with sleek black buttons, a pearlescent tie tucked neatly in the vest. The silver trimmings glistened as they caught the warm light emanating from the lamps above. A silken rose in a shade of brilliant blue was pinned to his lapel, flecks of gold reflecting in the ribbons. As the final touch, a golden crown perched on his head, sapphires, diamonds, and amethyst glistening as they sat in the shining metal.

Any passing observer could see that his outfit matched hers almost perfectly. Ayaka definitely planned this.

"Oh? Did Kanari call me stunning?" Ayato smirked. "I'm flattered, but I do wish I could hear the exact words from your own mouth."

"Oh, shut up," Kanari retorted softly, looking into his radiant eyes.

Ayato leaned closer to her. "Make me."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Asked Kanari, frowning. A warm feeling spread over her face despite her glare.

Ayato only chuckled at her words, his musical laugh making Kanari's heart beat faster. The sound of his twinkling laughter filled the hall, sending a shiver down her spine.

"Oh you," he whispered. "Oh Kanari, you're so—"

Instead of finishing his sentence, his face was consumed with a large smile. His lavender eyes sparkled like amethysts under the bright summer sun, a mix of mischief and admiration swirling inside. He stared at her for far too long, grinning feverishly, like he could do nothing but smile when he looked at her.

Kanari looked away after a moment, almost certain that her entire face was a mortifying shade of pink right now. A silence filled the ever-shrinking space between them, covering the entire situation with a blanket of tension. The following seconds stretched out into eternity as all the unspoken words in their minds danced in the air, mocking both of them.

"Oh," said Ayato suddenly, looking away. "I almost forgot. I have something for you."

He reached into his pocket and brought out a small velvet box, caressing the dark blue surface with his thumbs. His eyes flicked up to Kanari's as he slowly opened the box, revealing its contents.

On an ivory-colored cushion sat a hairpin, miniature rainbows shimmering in the metal as the light reflected off of it. The pin was curved, with five throngs poking out from the frame. Ornate flowers welded from silver covered the top, glistening diamonds and sapphires studded in the middle of each one. Upon closer inspection, it only took Kanari a moment to realize what flowers they were.

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