9. Camellias and Cecilias

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Running away from your problems is much easier than facing them.

Which might be why Kanari rushed out of the hospital wing without another word, leaving everyone utterly confused. She sprinted past the receptionist and back out into the corridor, not even glancing at the baffled guards.

For once, she couldn't think clearly. The walls were spinning, blending into the ceiling and the floor. The grey tones transformed into a lighter shade of cream she never wanted to see again. Her breathing staggered as she continued to pick up her pace, not quite running, but not walking, either. Tears threatened to spill from her eyes and clouded her vision. The only thing she could comprehend was that she had to run away. Perhaps it was because of these thoughts swarming her mind that she did not hear the footsteps echoing behind her.

She suddenly shrieked as she felt a hand enclose around her wrist. Jerking her arm away, she turned around sharply, a look of terror on her face. For a moment, she saw a man with white hair staring back at her, a mad look shining in his cerulean eyes.

Her heart almost stopped.

Fortunately, the image faded as soon as it came, and instead the king was stood before her. He stood with an arm outstretched, panting as if he was running but a few moments ago.

The two stared into each other's eyes, unmoving. As their breaths slowed, Kanari brought her hands closer to her chest. She ran her fingers over the part the king had gripped absentmindedly as she looked away. Though she ducked her head in an attempt to hide it, Ayato still saw the lone tear that slid down her cheek.

After a long moment, she finally gathered herself enough to speak.

"I—" she stuttered, still unable to find the courage to look back into the king's eyes. "I'm—"

"Don't apologize."

The king's voice was low, yet it still emanated authority. At his words, Kanari glanced back up at him, her breath still ragged.

"Don't try to apologize," he continued, his arm falling to his side. "You have nothing to apologize for."

"Oh," Kanari replied, almost hysterically, "but I do. I—"

"I should apologize for touching you without your permission earlier," the king interrupted. "And, if there's anything bothering you, please let me know."

"What makes you think something's bothering me?" It was as stupid question to ask, really, but she couldn't think of anything else to say.

"Your pause, it wasn't because you were scared for your friend, was it?" The king countered. "You were scared of the burn itself, but you were also unfazed by the rest of the wounds in the room."

Kanari shook her head, a little afraid of how easily the king could read her.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

His tone was so genuine, so caring, like he was truly willing to listen to all of her broken stories. Yet, something wouldn't let her say anything. He was the king. She couldn't possibly burden him with all her issues. Besides, there were people who had it much worse than her. What right did she have to complain?

"It's nothing."

"It's not—" Ayato sighed, not believing her words in the slightest. Still, he would not press on for details when she was obviously not ready to tell him.

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