⁀➷ Acknowledgements

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Well, well, well.

Someone's reached the end. 

The past five and a half months have been a wild ride, to say the least. It feels like just yesterday I was dropping vague hints of romance here and there in the first couple chapters. I definitely did NOT plan for this story to be as long as it is. Honestly, if someone told me, in February, that this story would end up being just about 95k words, I wouldn't have believed them.

Now, I think there are a few people I should mention, because without them, this project wouldn't have reached its end.

Thank you to Cheeto, Venti (not the character!), Ant, Sage, and the rest of that hectic GC. Most of you probably won't read this but hey, I appreciate all of your enthusiasm when I ranted late at night about my brainrots and imaginings. Truly, I can't imagine life without you guys.

Thank you to @/Roo_40 and @/wasabikawa, who inspired me to truly inspired and motivated me to flesh out a story of mine for once. All the new friends I've made in that hellhole server as well, y'all are awesome. 

Thank you to @/xHopewishx for being a great friend and fellow author. (Whose work, have patience, you should check out by the way!!) I can't express how grateful I am of your support and passion for this silly little story I've somehow written. 

Lastly, thank you to you, the reader, for deciding to click on this book and staying till the end. I can't believe you cared enough about little old Kanari to read this rollercoaster of a fanfic. Even if you do nothing but vote, I'm eternally thankful for even the smallest bits of interaction. (I see you guys! Those select few that vote every time I post a new chapter!)

In this story, there are some chapters I'm proud of, some I'm not. There are some paragraphs I love; some I just about tolerate. Since you've made it this far let me know which parts were your favorite! :D I very much enjoy interactions with my readers. After all the passion I've poured into this project, I'd love to know if you enjoyed this journey as much as I did. 

Thank you all once more for simply being here and motivating me to finish one of the biggest recreational projects I've ever done. If you've enjoyed my writing (?!) I am going to write another story real soon, which will be Pantalone x OC. It'll probably be darker, deeper, and significantly better in terms of plot and such. So, if you liked Flower Crown, keep an eye out for that!

Before you finally click off, I think it'd be suitable to share with you all the quote that has stuck with me ever since I've read it. This quote and the book series in general is very dear to my heart and has genuinely shaped me as a person so much. Its ideology is a part of the core theme I've tried to convey within Flower Crown.

"Sweetheart, happily ever after does exist, it's just not what you think," he said. "Happily ever after isn't a solution to life's problems or a guarantee that life will be easy; it's a promise we make ourselves to always live our best lives, despite whatever circumstance comes our way. When we focus on joy in times of heartbreak, when we choose to laugh on the days it's hard to smile, and when we count our blessings over our losses—that's what a true happily ever after is all about. You don't get there by being perfect; on the contrary, it's our humanity that guides us. And that's what fairy tales have been trying to teach us all along."

― Chris Colfer, Worlds Collide 

Hoping I made you smile,


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