25. A Dress Fit For A Queen

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When Kanari had woken up this morning, she really wasn't expecting to see the sight before her.

She'd been on her way to the dining room for breakfast, as always. The past few days after the duel had flown by, and before she knew it, it was time for the ball. Nervous would be an understatement for her emotions toward the event.

Her mind was still on the ball when she burst in the dining hall, which might be why the scene in front of her shocked her so much.

Princess Fischl was sitting on Ayato's right, her chin perched seductively on her hands. A pretty smile was plastered on her face, her emerald eyes sparkling. She was leaning unusually close to the king, much closer than she'd ever been.

The moment Kanari entered Ayato looked at her worriedly, eyes wide. He frowned as she walked over to the table, his brows furrowed with annoyance.

"My apologies for disturbing you two, Your Majesty," she whispered as she sat down. Things between them had been a little strange ever since he'd seen her scars in the fencing room. She found herself feeling nervous around him again, though she couldn't quite pinpoint why. Perhaps she was just agitated in general.

"It's alright," Ayato replied, his expression softening. Princess Fischl, who hadn't moved a single inch, glared at Kanari, before slowly grinning wickedly again.

"Yes, it's quite alright. We'll have plenty of chances to spend time together," she said, her tone sickly sweet.

Kanari could not think of what to say to that, so she simply stayed silent, keeping her head down. She selected a breakfast of eggs and ham from the arrangement before her, quietly eating away, though she didn't feel hungry anymore.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw the princess move even closer to Ayato. Noticing his arm resting on the table, she placed a delicate hand on it, giving Ayato a doting look.

"Please refrain from touching me, princess. It is improper," said Ayato, his voice laced with ice.

Princess Fischl retreated her hand, but Ayato's words did not wipe the smile off her face. She continued to fawn over the king silently, though it was somewhat obvious that he did not care for her actions.

"Kanari," began Ayato, heaving a sigh. "Please cancel all my meetings. I'll be with Princess Fischl for most of the day until the ball."

Kanari raised her eyebrows and nodded slowly. "Of course," she said quietly. A bitter feeling stirred inside her, filling her entire body with a strange sensation. She shook her head slightly, as if dismissing the emotions inside her.

Ayato looked at her, concern shining in his eyes. She merely gave him a frown in return, not quite meeting his eyes. Go, she thought, go and fall in love with her. It'll make things easier for your marriage.

The words in her mind felt strange and artificial, as if someone else were thinking them. Why did it bother her so much that Ayato would be spending time with the Mondstadian princess? They were royalty, perfectly capable of doing whatever they wished. She, a mere advisor, had no right to stop them.

So why did she want to?

The sound of the door bursting open shook Kanari from her thoughts, making her jump just slightly. Thoma sauntered into the dining room, his blond locks bouncing merrily on his head. He bowed low as he reached the table, a light smile on his face.

"Excuse me for the interruption, Your Highnesses," he said, obviously addressing Ayato and Princess Fischl. "Princess Ayaka sent me to speak to Kanari."

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