"Greetings, inv-"
"Shht. Shht. We're, Rayven and Cuhvuh Bloom with assistant, Audrey Willowbrook." I gritted out in a whisper.
"Blooms, Willowbrook, we only give our supernatural aliases at larping events. I'd recommend you make something up to introduce yourselves as. My name is, Lycidas Vesper Thornwell III. My girlfriend is Desdemonda Circe Tremaine. Now it's your turn." He motioned his hand in an arc palm upward.
"I am Branwen Reefuh, pleased to make youh acquaintance. Give them youh supernatural aliases so we can move onto the case." I glanced to Audrey and back at Bellevue and Trenton.
"I'm Ode-."
"As far as we know, the weres don't have pseudonyms. However we've heard them state their rank and status." Bellevue explained as if that were to make up for interrupting a lady.
"Well, I guess I'd be ranked at omega and my status would be the alpha's publicist?" Aud nervously twirled a lock of her brown hair.
"That is acceptable, and it sounds as close to your natural life's job. And you?" Bellevue point blank stared at Carver.
Carver glanced to me and I gave him a small grin as I figured this was aggravating him.
"George Washington." He grumbled as he looked skyward.
"I do apologize. It's against vampire larpering code to use presidential and celebrity names." Trenton spoke at last.
"Why?" Carver made no attempt to camouflage is scoff.
"Our groups regulations don't allow it, I'm not sure of other groups. Our leaders are of the opinion that larpers shouldn't use historical names. As that would present diseased or living idolized figures are of the supernatural. The leaders also say it could be seen as a version of plagerising. Which inspires larpers to debate which ones they believe are and aren't s.p.n. It divides community, and hinders originality, thus it's unallowed." Bellevue continued in his whisperous tone.
"Fine, Gérard Baillargeon." Carver sighed and closed his eyes as if his head were cramping.
It's a pleasure to meet you." Bellview and Trenton bowed their heads.
"Now that pleasantries were addressed, may we have youh forenames?" I gave my practiced customer service smile.
"Let the record show we were forced to breach character. My name is Huhgo Bellevue." He mumbled.
"I am Lehnnah Te-ndon." His girlfriend strung her after Hugo.
"I beg youh pardon," I turned and tilted my ear towards the couple.
"Hugo Bellevue."
"Leonna Trenton."
"Hugo Bel-view and Le-onna Tren-ton," I enunciated the syllables as I signaled to Audrey to search their names in the database provided.
"Might we be allowed to return to character now?" Hugo anxiously shifted feet.
"Negative. As you previously claimed you'd heard "Roscoe Culpeppuh" mentioned amon' youh vampire faction," I pointedly eyed the fidgety couple.
"Yeah well, what more do you want from us," Hugo took a defensive stance.
"With your permission I'd like to set you both up with a wire tap. To record youh faction's conversations. As I'm sure they wouldn't take to ouh line of questioning. I doubt we could get through to the entire faction's populpus." I tilted my head.
"Apologies, mizz Reefer, but my beaux and I must decline. As surely if the faction discovered, we'd be proscribed forevermore." Leonna took Hugo's hand and took a step.
Mystery / ThrillerWas it foul play or accident? Nonetheless a body is discovered in a nocturnal society. Yet before they could be identified, the body vanishes. Fearful of community suspension, the city's benefactor hires a private-eye agency.