Chapter 3

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❄️ Back at the Pole, the crew discuss an enemy and Bunny sneaks Jack some food.

"I hear terrible rumours!"

"Aw no, North. You better have more than rumours to have called this meeting. I'm still trying to clear out the Warren!"

"We offer you help, but you still refuse!"

"Don't get me started..." muttered Jack.

"Pfft, alright," huffed Bunny, sitting down at the old wooden table, in what had become his usual seat next to Jack. He pulled a small brown paper bag of homemade chocolates out of his bandolier and dropped it in front of the sprite.

Jack stared at it in confusion.

North rubbed his hands together. "There are Wendigo in our midst!"

Ah, shit. That was worth the interruption.

Sandy's sleepy face slid out of his palm, bounced off the table and he immediately woke up, his eyes alight.

Tooth pulled her attention from her fairies, quickly sitting.

"Wendigo?" asked Jack, clutching the brown bag protectively. "Seriously? You guys deal with Wendigo?"

The temperature in the room seemed to drop a degree.

"Oi." Bunny stretched his arm over the back of Jack's chair, giving it a soft shake to knock him out of his thoughts. "You dealt with these drongos before, mate?"

"Yeah. I've ran into them a few times over the years," said Jack, shifting uncomfortably. "They don't like me and I'm not their biggest fan either. Whenever I've been around them in the past, they lose their minds. They go completely feral. Well, more feral than they usually are."

North nodded, stroking his beard thoughtfully. "They are creatures of Winter. They likely see you as threat, intruding on territory."

"They are eight-foot-tall cannibals with sharp teeth and claws, I'm just a five-foot-five frost spirit! What do they have to be threatened of?"

Bunny snorted, his nose twitching. Jack calling himself 'just' anything was ridiculous, considering the immense power he'd witnessed from him during the battle with Pitch.

"The only time I've been involved with them is if they started getting too close to the villages, going after humans instead of wildlife or each other, if they're hungry enough," he swallowed. "Otherwise, I try to avoid them. I'm not big on the killing thing, and they're the type to fight to the death."

"They've tried to kill you before?" asked Tooth, the little fairies covering their mouths in shock.

"They've tried, but so far I've been lucky. You'd think flying would keep me safe. Trust me, they can jump really high when they want to," he said, looking off into the distance. "They can swipe you right out of the sky."

There was a tremor of old, learned fear in his voice.

Bunny didn't like that. Not one bit.

Wendigo hunted in packs. Any run-in the solitary sprite would have had, he'd have been alone and outnumbered, surrounded by feral creatures who wanted to eat the flesh straight from his bones.

It didn't matter how many times he'd threatened the prankster himself, he didn't actually want to see him hurt.

"Then you're staying put," Bunny told him firmly. "We've taken care of these types of creatures before, we can do it again."

He caught North staring, proud eyebrows raised, and Tooth was smiling softly, her fairies narrowing their eyes.

"What?" he frowned.

I Just Wanna Be Somebody To Someone {Jack Frost X Bunny} [#COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now