Chapter 17

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Day Four - Part Two

Bunny heals Jack's bruises for the third time.


Bunny chuckled quietly as he placed a small basin of water and a bar of soap on the bedside table, folding his arms and shaking his head.

How the little git could sleep at a time like this was beyond him, but there he was, cuddled up in a sea of blankets, his skin glittering with a thin layer of frost (among other things) in the setting sun, like an angel without a care in the world.

He supposed he couldn't hold it against him.

The evidence of their activities was all over him. His bitten-dark lips turned up in a satisfied smile, his flushed cheeks, his neck and shoulders littered in soft bruises.

Bunny felt heat travel to the very tips of his ears. He really didn't mind seeing those kinds of bruises on the sprite.

If he shaved himself bare, he'd be sporting a fair few too, curtesy of Jack.

He wasn't fussed about that either.

Not in the slightest.

He rolled his shoulders with a grin, shaking out his damp, clean fur until he was good and puffy, and began moving slowly around the bed, staring shamelessly at the sleeping terror.

The whole day had been incredible.

He'd utterly lost himself in Jack's movements, in the sounds of his giddy laughter and unrestrained pleasure, in his cool lips excitedly and passionately meeting his own, his arms wrapped around him so tightly, fingers so deep in his fur...

He would give his right paw just to hear those sounds again, to kiss that impossibly smooth skin until they were both breathless with it.

But not while he had sugary pastries in the oven, replacing the burnt remnants of what he assumed was going to be carrot and applesauce soup, (he didn't plan on asking about that).

One of them had to at least try to be responsible.

He was just thankful the fire hadn't alerted North. No doubt the lout would have ripped the door from its hinges in a dramatic rescue attempt, and then he would have gotten a right eyeful-

Bunny froze, his stomach lurching.



"Damnit." He rubbed his muzzle, looking around the room. "What have we done?"


Bunny tended to be jumpy about... well, most things. He'd just never taken the time to appreciate how cute it was before.

The fluffed-up rabbit was pacing around the bed, slow and then fast and then slow again. His whiskers were twitching, and his huge ears were dancing between high in the air and flat against his head. He was squeezing his paws like he was about to start talking but didn't know what he wanted to say, his expression shifting from soft, to confused, to completely horror-struck.

Jack didn't like that last one. "Are you plotting my demise again?"

Bunny jumped, tripping over his feet. "Damnit, Jack! I-I thought you were asleep!"

"Nope," he huffed out a laugh. "You're too interesting to look at when you're panicking."

"I am not panicking," he scowled, standing up straight. "Not plotting your demise either, but it's early in the evening yet."

I Just Wanna Be Somebody To Someone {Jack Frost X Bunny} [#COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now