Chapter 15

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Day Three - Part Three

Jack and Bunny have a dance!

"Bunny, this is pointless," Jack huffed, slipping away from him. "I'm just trampling all over you. Let's face it, dancing's not for me. I give up."

"Give up? Here now," frowned Bunny, following him around the couch. "That doesn't sound like the pain in the arse, frost terror I know. Problem is you're as stiff as a board! It's no wonder you can't move."

Jack threw himself into the cushions, bringing his knees up and holding them to his chest, glaring at the rug. "What am I supposed to do about that? Just ask the snow globe for some books."


Someone was being a bit dramatic.

Although, his disappointment was a little heartbreaking. It must have been a long time since he'd tried something new because he was taking this much too hard.

"Give yourself a chance, mate," he said gently, touching Jack's chin to bring the sprite's attention back to him. "I-I've seen you fly like you were air itself, scrape the water without letting it touch you, perch on top of your staff like a bloody robin! This is no different than that."

"It took me months to learn how to fly," he snapped, twisting his sleeves between his fingers. "I fell face first into the ground more times than I could count."

Bunny exhaled, dropping his paw and crouching in front of him instead. "Then I'm glad catching each other is something we're good at."

Jack's face softened, and he looked at him from under his fringe, his lip twitching upwards. "Don't worry about it, Cottontail. Really. We can find something else to do."

That was the thing. Bunny didn't want to do anything else.

He just wanted to dance with him.

He just wanted Jack to have fun, like he knew he would if he went easier on himself.

These strong feelings (mild, mild!) were going to make a fool out of him.

With his mind made up, he snatched Jack's fidgeting hands, and tugged him off the couch. "Here's what we're going to do. Get that jacket off, or the whole bloody outfit, I don't care. Just get comfy. I'm not training you to ballroom dance professionally. I'm just showing you a few moves I haven't used since before this planet grew grass. Easy as that."

Jack bit his lip, glancing at him uncertainly. "You're confident."

"Too right I am," smiled Bunny. "And we're changing the tunes too. A gramophone? What were we thinking? We'll get a tablet and some charged speakers. Then, when we're out of here, we can talk to North about the lack of electricity in his guest rooms. The bloke has magic. He should have a working bloody radio."

"Like you know what a tablet is," Jack snickered softly, his sapphire eyes flashing at him.

"Shut it, pest," he chuckled, giving him a light nudge. "So, what do you say? Will we go one more round before chucking it?"

Jack seemed to consider it for a moment, then tutted. He shook off the jacket and tossed it onto the couch, turning up his shirt sleeves and stretching until it was only just tucked in. He raked his fingers through his hair with an impish smile. "Okay. Let's do this."

That was more like it.


The new music filled the room, a soothing mixture of vocals and guitars. The sun had set, and the candles had dimmed to a pleasantly soft light.

I Just Wanna Be Somebody To Someone {Jack Frost X Bunny} [#COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now