chapter 19

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Day Five - Part One

Jack and Bunny enjoy themselves with a nice peaceful day!

Jack wandered out of the bathroom, rubbing a towel over his freshly cleaned hair before dropping it into the small pile of clothes beside the dresser and bouncing energetically on his heels.

He was awake, washed, dressed (back in his normal clothes, which was nice) and ready for the day.

Bunny, on the other hand, was flat on his back with an arm slung over his eyes and the blankets twisted uselessly around his legs, snoozing soundly.

Why didn't he have a camera?

Oh yeah, because he hadn't had time to pack one before they'd been kidnapped from the Warren, stripped of their magic, and held prisoner for driving everybody crazy with their incessant fighting.

Funny how he kept forgetting about all that.


Jack smirked, pulling his hood up and leaping silently onto the bed with his feet on either side of Bunny's hips. Crouching over him, he took the opportunity to ogle him properly. His dark, furrowed brow beneath his arm, his deceptively heavy ears squashed against the top of the bed, all of his sleep-ruffled fur and its delicate patterns, the blacks and dark greys and silvers and even violets and blues when it caught the light.

Bunny had no business being this handsome. It really wasn't fair. He was older than the planet, he should at least look it, (although the idea of a wizened, old Bunny with crinkled whiskers and cheek fur down to his knees was hilarious... and no doubt he'd still be stupidly attractive).

He ran the back of his fingers over his stomach, just grazing his fur. It was soft as silk, like the fur on his arms and feet.

The things Bunny must have seen in his life... he could probably spend a few million years just telling all the stories.

Jack would happily listen to every single one. He wanted to learn as much as he could about him.

His fingertips trailed over the thick burst of his whiskery cheek, thinking about the night before and Bunny's curious questions. His sincere interest did strange things to Jack's heart, and instead of giving the basic details like he normally did whenever Tooth asked something about his memories, absolutely everything had poured out of him.

He'd spoken about his death and his re-awakening, about the moon telling him his name and nothing else, about his confusion when he tried to make contact with someone, anyone, and the horror of realising nobody could see him. He'd admitted his fear of not knowing who he was or what was happening and how, after a few decades, he'd finally come to accept that this was his life, and he wasn't going to live his life wallowing in that fear. Even if he was invisible for the rest of eternity, he would find joy wherever he could, and spread it to as many people as possible.

Bunny hadn't interrupted or asked anything else. He'd listened intently to every word, all the while holding him close, running a gentle paw over his back.

Warm and snug and safe, all thoughts of those early years of his spirithood slowly drifted away, and he must have dozed off in his arms.

Bunny's nose twitched beneath his fingers, and Jack laughed quietly. "Big, tough softy."

The rabbit grumbled, peeking an eye open.

Jack quickly pulled his hand back. "I wasn't doing anything."


Super smooth, Jack.

Why did his mouth always open without him telling it to?

I Just Wanna Be Somebody To Someone {Jack Frost X Bunny} [#COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now