chapter 6

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Jack and Bunny go from having a nice time, to taking things too far...


Bunny shook the skinny leg again.


The bloke was out for the count. Was he always such a heavy sleeper?

He was up in a heartbeat last time.

But it was July and the mid-afternoon sun was pouring through the trees. He must have been spending his time in Bunny's part of the world to have been sleeping at this hour. Bunny half-expected him to be icing over the lake when he'd chanced catching his scent here.

It shouldn't have taken him so long to follow through on his offer to bring Jack to the Warren, but with all his usual post-Easter run around... well, he'd lost track of time.

"Jack," he said again, a little louder.

Not even a flicker of movement.

"Lazy git," he sighed, pulling an apple out of his bandolier and sliding it in Jack's hoodie pocket.

He'd given up all pretence of sneaking Jack food in the form of chocolates now that they were both perfectly aware of what he was doing. He wasn't sure the sprite even needed to eat. But he could eat so...

It hurt his head to think about.

The blighter was unique, that much he knew. Especially when it came to waking him up.

Tutting, he leaned over him and ruffled his hair just like he'd done before.

Jack finally stirred, peering one sleepy eye open. "Bunny," he groaned loudly. "Please don't throw me... tired..."

His words were punctuated by an elongated yawn.

"Late night causing trouble?"

"There is like... zero snow in kangaroo country... one little flurry... kids go berserk..." he smiled with lazy pride, his half-opened eye falling closed again. "I like it..."

"Bet they liked it too," huffed Bunny quietly, shaking his head in amusement. "And the weather folk?"

"They don't like it," snickered Jack, covering his eyes with his arm. "Bonus."

"Terror." Bunny ruffled his hair again, letting his fingers linger in the soft strands. "You get your kip. I'll swing by another time. Remember we've got a meeting tonight, yeah?"

"Yeah," whispered Jack, starting to doze off.

Bunny pulled his paw back and scratched his cheek, his lip twitching upwards. "Right tired there, aren't ya?"

"Tired..." Jack mumbled, his mouth barely moving.

He sat down on the branch. "You wouldn't mind if I set fire to this tree?"


"With you in it?"

"Uh huh..."

I Just Wanna Be Somebody To Someone {Jack Frost X Bunny} [#COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now