Chapter 18

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Day Four - Part Three

Jack and Bunny take some time to relax.

The strong winds howled outside the frost-covered window, sharp pitter-patters of tiny snowflakes bouncing off the glass, while the soft candlelight flickered its rusty orange glow over the old stone walls, cocooning them from the North Pole's chill.

Bunny lounged on his side, nestled on top of an abundance of comfy blankets on the bed, the toasty fireplace crackling faintly behind him.

The whole room was oozing serenity, and he might have been basking in it even more than he already was, had he not been completely enthralled by the incredible creature in front of him.

He had nobody to blame but himself.

As soon as he'd spotted Jack looking so worried, he could have just told him there and then that he didn't regret what had happened but, well...

Showing him had seemed like a lot more fun.

Except now, he couldn't stop thinking about how his skin tasted, like the sweetest strawberry ice cream, or how loud he was when he was mindless, or how his face changed when he-

Bunny bit his tongue. Hard.

It didn't help.

Not when Jack was sitting so close to him, with his lively eyes and the constant impish upturn of his lips and his toes twitching happily under the blankets.

He might as well have a huge spotlight shining right on his snowy hair.

"And," Jack carried on, blissfully unaware of Bunny's silent admiration, throwing down another card and picking up his fourth or fifth pastry, demolishing it quickly, "I think you should teach me how to bake tomorrow. Carrot cake aside, the closest I've ever gotten to real baking was watching these tiny cakes being made in a bakery in Oslo. I might have stolen a few. The baker still thinks the place is haunted. These are delicious."

Damnit, even his stories had him captivated.

Bunny was well and truly smitten.

With a little hellion.

A frost terror.

A pranking snow sprite.

A riotous, fun-loving ball of energy, infectiously joyful, maddeningly troublesome, ethereally beautiful-

Smitten. Positively smitten.

He poked the ice demon's knee. "Better than the poison you were about to serve."

"Hey, it wasn't my fault the cake burned. We could have eaten the salad."

"I was talking about the salad," Bunny chuckled lightly, dropping a card onto the pile. "I think I spotted an onion in there."

Jack tutted. "You don't like onions?"

"A whole one? Uncooked and with the skin on? Did you plan on eating it like an apple?"

"No way, I don't eat food that makes you cry," he said matter-of-factly, then he pointed at the roof. "What's that?"

Bunny glanced upwards. "What?"

A hand slapped down on the pile. "Snap!"

"Oi!" he exclaimed as Jack gathered up the cards. "That's not very sporting!"

"Oldest trick in the book, Cottontail," he snickered. "Remember who you're playing with. This is a pretty good game. You're really bad at it."

"I'm not bad at it," Bunny huffed, shaking his head. "You're just distracting. How about you put some bloody clothes on? Might have a fair shot then."

I Just Wanna Be Somebody To Someone {Jack Frost X Bunny} [#COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now