chapter 23

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Day Five - Part Five

Jack loses his mind!

And Bunny... well...

Jack growled in frustration. "Just... stay... still!"

He spun his staff and blasted frost at the closest Wendigo, hitting its heel as it shot by.

North was right, there weren't many left, but those that were moved so fast, they were dodging his ice like it was a fun game!

Two of them were having a great time racing back and forth across the bridge, taking it in turns to jump at him, their long arms spread wide, sharp claws attempting to grab him out of the air.

He needed to be patient, to keep his speed up and wait for his opening to strike.

Then it was back to the blanket fort for some serious cuddle time, which made being patient a whole lot easier. He might not have much energy left, but he'd happily use the last of it wrapping himself around that incredible kangaroo.

Wait, was cuddling allowed?

He frowned.

Someone was shouting.

Loudly and urgently.

And just like that, everything fell apart.

A reverberating snarl rang in his ears and a blur of grey fur leapt past him, colliding with the dark shadow at his back.


He just caught sight of them landing with a painful crash, Bunny quickly climbing on top of the massive Wendigo and holding it down, before those on the bridge began acting up.

"No!" Bunny cried out.

Jack's breath caught in his throat at the fear in his voice. He tried to look, tried to keep his eyes on Bunny while firing enough frost to keep the creatures on the bridge occupied because he was sure he spotted blood on his fur, shining like a beacon in the moonlight.

"Bun-!" A Wendigo snagged his hoodie and he was thrown onto the bridge. He scrambled through the snow and back to his feet, ready to fight-

A loud crack filled the air.

He spun around.

That noise... He recognised that noise.

He flinched as another crack echoed in the clearing, his grip loosening on his staff. "Bunny."

Cold dread filled him.

The two Wendigo were closing in on him from either side of the bridge, snapping and snarling, but he couldn't move. His ice crept over his skin, thickening.

"Sandy!" he heard Bunny shout, just as they pounced, and then there was the worst noise of all.

Jack didn't need to see it.

He felt it.

Bunny was under the ice.

If his magic had a voice, it would have torn the world apart with its scream. It rushed through him, exploding from his chest like a flash of lightning, as bright as it was powerful.

The Wendigo never reached him.

The Wendigo weren't anywhere near him anymore.

Snow billowed everywhere but it didn't make a sound.

Everything was white. Everything was silent.

There was no dreamsand in the sky. No clatter of swords.

I Just Wanna Be Somebody To Someone {Jack Frost X Bunny} [#COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now