Chapter 31

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Day Seven - Part Two

Jack clues Bunny in on the escape plan, and Bunny realises it might be a bit more complicated than Jack thinks...

Bunny was so bloody thankful this was the last time he'd be using the tub at the Pole. If there was one thing he was looking forward to, it was drying his fur under a warm sun. This air was making his fur much... puffier.

He tried in vain to smooth it down as he stepped through the bathroom door and immediately stumbled over a plate of gingerbread men, throwing out his paws fast enough to narrowly avoid landing face first in a massive bowl of trifle.

A rum-scented trifle.

"Watch your feet, Bun Bun," came an amused voice from across the room.

"I didn't create the damn tripping hazards, Frostbite," he growled, standing upright, glaring around the room. "H-H-How is any of this breakfast food?"

The place was stacked with silver trays and bowls on every available surface, neatly decorated with holly (which was quite nice, he had to admit) and filled with more food than two whole armies could possibly eat.

"I apologised, and I mostly meant it," Jack grinned, already dressed and sitting cross-legged on the small couch with a plate full of spiced apples on his lap, scraping a thick layer of cinnamon off a piece and popping it into his mouth. "And I might have an idea about the food."

Bunny folded his arms, eyes flickering over the innocent-faced sprite.

It was a shame he was clothed, back in his usual clobber, but it gave Bunny a secret thrill to know that his artwork lay hidden under his hoodie, something Jack would have on his skin for the next few weeks at least.

Now that he thought about it, it was also a shame they hadn't managed to try the tub together. Might be the logistics would work against them though. Jack's icy touch was out of this world, but Jack's ice spreading through a small pool of water would likely be a different story. Maybe in moving water, like the Warren's river... That was a nice thought...

The sprite carried on, keeping him from his daydreaming. "So we know Nice Surprise gives us what we want but times a million-"

Bunny scoffed loudly at the idea that any of this was what they wanted. He scooped up his bandolier from the floor and hooked it over his head and arm, finding a spot on the edge of the bed to perch and do up his foot wraps.

"But," Jack drawled, poking a toe at a tray of greasy sausages wrapped in bacon on the floor in front of the couch, "maybe since I asked for breakfast at the Pole, we've ended up with... I don't know, a huge supply of Christmas breakfast? Or someone's idea of Christmas breakfast. I hope the elves are hungry."

"Feeding those little anklebiters any of this would be an act of cruelty," he asserted as he slid on and tightened his bracers, wrinkling his nose at the layers of overpowering scents from all the trays, invading his space. It was like being smack-bang in the middle of the workshop during one of North's celebrations.

"Are you okay?" asked Jack, eyeing him over.

His daft ears fell loose against his head at the genuine concern in Jack's deep voice.

For a few moments.

Then they stiffened, remembering that all too soon this mad week would be over and he'd be...

What would he be?

Without Jack. That's what he'd be.

It was a right unbearable thought.

I Just Wanna Be Somebody To Someone {Jack Frost X Bunny} [#COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now