Chapter 16

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Day Four - Part One

Oblivious fools become a little less oblivious.

"I can't..."

Bunny sat bolt upright, his ears swivelling and his hackles raised, shaking off strange dreams of flowers in snow.

The room was still dark, and the air was thick with the bitter scent of fear and panic. He rapidly blinked, forcing his eyes to adjust. "Jack?"

The sprite was huddled in a ball on his side, shivering, not a single blanket left on him. He looked woefully tiny in the faint glow of the snow globe. "Can't..."

"Oi," said Bunny quietly, giving his arm a shake. He snatched his paw back just as fast. "Crikey, mate. You're bloody freezing!"

Not even North's wards were containing Jack's magic. His t-shirt was frozen to him, and the pillow he was lying on was covered in frost, slowly spreading outwards in patterns that would have been beautiful if the culprit wasn't in such distress.

Bunny quickly untangled himself from the blankets, finding the thickest of the lot.

"I... I can't..." Jack sucked in air like he was struggling to breathe. "I... I..."

"Okay. Come here," he muttered, pulling him close, tucking the blanket around them, grabbing the others and doing the same until they were under a good, warm pile. "You're alright. It's a bad dream, just a bad dream." He rubbed the chill from Jack's back, tucking the head of frozen spikes under his chin. "Deep breaths."

Icy fingers grasped his fur. "I don't... want to go... don't make me go back..."

Bunny swallowed thickly at the desperation in his voice, nuzzling his ear. "You're not going anywhere, Snowdrop," he promised, squeezing him. "Course not. You're staying right here with me. For another week, if you want it. Doubt North would complain, the permanent host he is, and I... I wouldn't let anybody else deal with your nonsense, would I."

Suddenly, Jack looked up at him with unfocused, half-lidded eyes. His breathing slowed, and his shivering began to dissipate.

Bunny sighed in relief. "There you go. In and out, nice and easy."

"Roo," Jack smiled groggily, tucking himself further into Bunny's arms, gripping him near uncomfortably tight. "He's... my kan'roo. Mine. Go 'way..."

Well, at least half-asleep was better than a nightmare.

"You tell 'em, you little git," snorted Bunny fondly, remembering their time in the tree only a few days before, when the drowsy sprite had become oddly possessive over his garden of winter flowers.

He would never admit it out loud, but he loved seeing Jack in this sleepy state, all confused and moody and maddeningly adorable.

"Bad dream?" he asked, running his claws through the thick frost coating his hair, his paw coming away dry, like it was simply disappearing the calmer he became.

He played with the frost curiously between his fingers, watching the sparkles float away.


"Memory," Jack mumbled into his fur. "Stupid mem'ry."

Bunny's paw stilled.

A memory?

"Jack," he exhaled, hugging him closer. "What sorry memory would make you freeze half the bed?"

"Shh," the sprite groaned, shoving him away weakly and yet wriggling a knee until his whole leg was stretched over Bunny's thigh. "Noisy rabbit. Too loud. Sleep."

I Just Wanna Be Somebody To Someone {Jack Frost X Bunny} [#COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now