Chapter 7

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Jack and Bunny find themselves in a situation.

"What the..."

Bunny groaned, opening his eyes. Everything was blurry and his head was pounding like he'd spent the night drinking every single one of North's special concoctions.

What had he been doing? He remembered being with Jack. Almost falling from a tree. Then they'd raced to the Pole...

Had they decided to finish off the meeting with wine and eggnog?

That didn't sound right.

He tried to move, but something was weighing him down. Whatever he was lying on was cold and hard, the distant scent of chocolate and cinnamon in the air, along with the stronger but contrasting scent of chilled sweetness just under his nose. Like sugared strawberries.

He liked that scent. It was light and pleasant and...

Familiar. It was very familiar.

Something shifted against his chest and he quickly looked down... only to see a head of white hair, his traitor of a paw clutching onto a blue hoodie, and slender fingers curled into his fur.

"Gah!" he shouted, kicking the frost sprite away and shuffling backwards.

"Ow! Wha- Geez, Bunny," Jack mumbled tiredly, leaning up and rubbing his eyes. He shoved his foot into Bunny's side. "The fight's over. What's going on? Where are we?"

Fighting! That's what happened!

They'd been fighting, North had lost it and Sandy had done what he usually did, knocked them out cold.

Bunny felt his hackles start to lower as his heart rate calmed. He dragged a paw down his face, shaking off the remnants of gold sand.

He glanced around.

Ah, hell.

"This is one of North's guest rooms, if I remember right," he muttered. "Has to be over a century since I've been in one."

He pushed himself up, ignoring the thumping of his head, and went to the door. He shook the handle.


"What's wrong?" yawned Jack, jumping easily to his feet and stretching.

"Not sure yet, but something. We're locked in."

"And they dumped us on the floor," he chuckled, wandering towards him. "Which is just rude. Don't worry, Bun Bun. It's just a time out. We kinda earned it, didn't we? They'll let us out once the meeting is over."

Bunny ignored him, because there was a piece of paper taped to the wall next to the door. He tugged it off, reading it quickly.

It couldn't be. They wouldn't.

"Um, Bunny? Your ears have changed colour. They're usually a kind of light pink. Unless your attacking me, then they go red. Really stands out against your silver fur. They're pretty pale right now."

Jack's rambling words faded into the background as he slowly grasped the meaning of the letter.

"Aw, no..."

He read it again.


The room wasn't as bright and overwhelming as the rest of the Pole.

It was cosy.

With stone walls, smooth dark wooden floors, and matching wooden furniture, it almost looked like it belonged in an old castle.

He supposed North's place was a kind of castle.

On one side, closest to the locked door, was a large bed covered in thick blankets and pillows, with two bedside tables, and a dresser pushed against the wall, along with another door which presumably led to a bathroom. On the other side was a mini living area, with a fluffy maroon rug that took up most of the floor, a tiny couch, and a huge stone fireplace that rose all the way to the ceiling.

Weirdly, the only light seemed to be coming from the crackling fire and candle-lit lamps that were dotted on the furniture around the room and on the wide ledge of the frost-covered window. He could hear the howling blizzards in the night sky on the other side of the thick glass.

There weren't any light switches, no television or radio, nothing electrical at all. No elaborate decorations either, which was odd considering North and the elves left a trail of Christmas carnage wherever they went.

The only thing that could be tied to Christmas in the whole room (other than the smell of cinnamon that was everywhere in the Pole) was a snow globe that sat at the centre of the dresser.

"This is a guest room?" he asked, happy to spot his staff in the corner next to the door. "It's nice. It feels like we've gone back in time though. Does North even have guests? Hey, Bunny? You with me? Your ears are still funny."

"Suppose he did once," Bunny answered distractedly. He was totally enthralled in the note he was reading. "Before we shut ourselves off. I'd wager we're the first in a long time. If we were bloody guests, that is."

Jack frowned. "What do you mean?"

Bunny thrust the note towards him and banged loudly on the door. "North! This better be some twisted lark, mate!"

"Calm down," chuckled Jack, shaking out the note. "Can't be that bad. 'Dear Jack and Bunny', sounds alright so far, and my name is first, which isn't really important, just thought I'd point it out. Whose handwriting is this? Definitely not North's."

Bunny waved his paw, and Jack rolled his eyes, continuing.

"'You were given chances, many chances, and yet you refused to hear. We cannot have Guardians who will not respect each other or the space that surrounds them.' Wow. He's really not happy about us messing up the workshop."

"Keep going."

Jack cleared his throat. "'After long discussions'... Oh, I get it. North is dictating this while Tooth writes- Okay! Okay!" he laughed at the furious look on Bunny's face. "'After long discussions, we find that two people in disharmony', definitely Tooth, 'should enter into a situation where their survival depends on each other.' Survival? That seems extreme."

He dropped down on the edge of the bed.

"'However, you are both very adept at life outdoors so we have decided the best resolution is to... keep you both inside for seven days, as two persons, not as Pooka and Spirit. There will be no paint or tunnels, no flying or snow. Learn to live with one another, that is all we ask. There is a small snow globe on the table near the door. Anything you ask for together will be provided. With luck, you will use this great opportunity to learn from each other, hope for something better, and let the joy of true friendship bloom. Yours, North, Tooth and Sandy.' With, uh, three kisses. Forget Tooth, I think Sandy wrote this."

"Frostbite," sighed Bunny, rubbing his forehead. "I'm waiting for the penny to drop."

"What's got your tail in a knot... wait... seven days? Survival? Do they mean... Are we stuck here?!" His eyes widened, and a horrible feeling of dread settled in the pit of his stomach. "No, NO! They can't do that! Bunny, I haven't been indoors for longer than half a day in over three centuries!"

They couldn't do that to him. They couldn't possibly do that to Bunny. A few hours ago, they were at each other's throats! They hadn't even spoken about the things they'd said. They...

"Me neither. So once you're done thinking all your thoughts, care to join me here?" Bunny said sarcastically, holding his paws out to the door. "Because it looks like we're about to be in for the longest week of our lives."

Jack dropped the note instantly and leapt to the door, thudding his fist against it. "NORTH!"

I Just Wanna Be Somebody To Someone {Jack Frost X Bunny} [#COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now