Chapter 8

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Day One - Part One

Two hotheads not used to accepting help try to help each other.

"Will you stand still? You're making me dizzy."

"Guest room. You said 'guest room', didn't you?"

Bunny groaned in exasperation, stretching his legs out over the arm of the world's smallest couch, watching the sprite strut back and forth in large furious steps and glaring at the door like he could scare it into unlocking itself. "That's what I said."

"But we're not guests, we're captives!" Jack kicked the door, then continued with his pacing. "It's a well-decorated cell!"

"I don't know what else to tell you, mate," he sighed, tiredly. "If he doesn't want us to leave, we're not leaving."

Jack's head suddenly shot to him, his eyes suspiciously wide and determined. "We'll see about that."

He stormed over to the window, unlocking the metal latch and shoving it up. Freezing air blasted into the room, snow pouring inside and the fireplace roaring.

Bunny had never moved so fast in his life.

Just before Jack could stupidly throw himself from the ledge, he grabbed him around the waist and tossed him onto the rug, slamming the window shut and locking it tightly. "Have you lost it, y'galah? It's been an hour and you're ready to jump?!"

Jack leaned on his elbows, puffing a breath up his unimpressed face, ruffling his fringe. He shook his staff. "I can fly, Cottontail. Did you forget?"

"Not here, you can't!" Bunny rubbed his chest, right over his racing heart. "Just... pay attention."

Jack looked at him with frustrated interest as he thumped his foot on the floor. There was a quiet sound of a tunnel opening, which immediately faded, with nothing to show for it but a tiny snowdrop left by his foot.

"Y'see?" Bunny scooped up the flower and set it on the snowy windowsill. "North has wards. We can't use our magic here. So don't go chucking yourself out of any more windows. I can't keep saving you from doing yourself an injury."

"You're one to talk..." Jack muttered under his breath. He twirled his staff and pointed it straight at him. A sharp noise emitted, but the burst of frost that usually accompanied it was nowhere to be seen. "Huh. He's dampening our powers. I didn't know North could do that."

The little brat!

"We're supposed to be 'as two persons, not as Pooka and Spirit'," Bunny repeated the words in the letter, crossing his arms. "North doesn't let on, but he's got more power than he needs. Now point that stick somewhere else before I take it and shove it someplace you won't like."

Jack huffed dramatically and threw the staff down, raising his hands in surrender.

"Alright then." He moved back to the couch and collapsed into it.

This was going to be one hell of a long week.

And once the week was out, he was going to string North up. No more liqueur requests, no more special treats that he wasn't allowed to tell Tooth about. North was going to be the one on the damn naughty list.

The others weren't going to get away with it either. Not a chance. They-

"You think too loudly." Jack wriggled his skinny self into the small space next to him, digging an elbow into his side. "You're a clever kangaroo. What's the plan? What are we going to do?"

"Get comfy," said Bunny, elbowing him back. Why would North have a couch this small, even in a guest room? He was massive, he couldn't possibly fit on it. "That's the best I've got."

I Just Wanna Be Somebody To Someone {Jack Frost X Bunny} [#COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now