Chapter 28

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Day Six - Part Five

Jack and Bunny enjoy an evening under the stars!


"Wow, you're loud when you're mad," wheezed Jack, grasping Bunny's waist. "And heavy."

His big, tough knight in shining armour had him pinned to the ground. Whether he was trying to protect him from whatever had happened or whether he was about to murder him, Jack really couldn't tell.

Fortunately he couldn't see Bunny's enraged expression because someone had turned out all the lights.

And made the fort disappear.


His teeth swiftly found Bunny's nose in the dark.

"Oi!" the rabbit shrieked, releasing him. "R-Right! That's it, mate! Grab your staff, you're going out the window!"

"Ha!" scoffed Jack, jumping to his feet. "If you can find it."

He blinked, trying to get his eyes to adjust.

There was nothing.

Only darkness, above and below, so encompassing Jack felt like he was suffocating in it, like the air was thick and cloying-

But then there was a small pinprick of light, then another, and another, and another.

"Whoa," he exhaled, as the whole room slowly lit up like it was covered in pale fairy lights. "Bunny! Bunny, look at this!"

"At what? Can't see a bloody-!" The silhouette of the kangaroo hopped towards him and immediately tripped, crumpling to the ground.

Jack pressed his lips together as Bunny went to push himself up, grumbling incoherently, but the moment his paws touched the floor, the darkness flickered, and a bright purple pillow became visible.

He lifted one paw inquisitively, and the pillow was cloaked in darkness once more.

"We haven't moved," frowned Bunny, awkwardly rising to his feet. His ears were twitching adorably, like they were compensating for his inability to see. "The demon orb has brought the stars to us. How did you know it would-?"

"I had no idea what it was going to do," Jack said honestly. "I thought it might have been one of North's teleporting snow globes and we would have ended up somewhere with a clear sky before it sucked us back here again, or maybe it would have given us a bundle of paper cut outs of stars, which would have been funny-"

"It could have chucked us out into space!" he exclaimed with a wave of his arms.

"Oh yeah," snickered Jack, running his hand through his hair. "I hadn't thought about that."

Bunny tentatively moved towards him, like a baby deer walking for the first time. "Ah ha, that's because you don't think!"

Jack bit back a smile. Bunny's usual grouching would have had him snapping back a week ago, but he was starting to recognise Bunny's anxiety for what it was, and he didn't have it in him to take it personally anymore.

It helped that he looked unbelievably cute all puffed up and panicky.

"I did think," he shrugged cheekily. "I was thinking I wanted to kiss you under the stars and that's where my thoughts ended."

"W-W-Well, that's-!" On the last step, Bunny stumbled over something unseen and Jack leapt forward, catching him before he could land on his face. The rabbit glowered at him, exhaling loudly through his nose. "That's not fair."

I Just Wanna Be Somebody To Someone {Jack Frost X Bunny} [#COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now