Chapter 29

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Day Six(ish) - Part Six(...ish)

Bunny wakes to a midnight visitor!

Soft snow crunching beneath his paws, flowers blooming in their wake, petals sparkling with frost... bright laughter on the wind ahead...

Bunny's ears twitched, and he tightened his arms around his chilly bundle with a scowl, nuzzling his hair, stretching out his paws on bare skin...

A blur of blue against the sunny sky... a sharp nip in the air... running... chasing...

His ears twitched again, then his nose.

He sat bolt upright, sniffing the air, holding Jack against his chest.

The fur on his shoulders rose.

They weren't alone.

The stars that had been covering the room when they'd fallen asleep were gone, but beyond the window it was still dark, and the moon was attempting to break through the easing storm clouds. Bunny narrowed his eyes at it, stroking Jack's hair before laying him back on the bed, sliding a pillow in his place.

The slumbering sprite clutched it close, burying his nose into it with an irritated grumble.

Slipping silently out of bed, Bunny brushed the frost from his fur as he followed the invading scent, sneaking around to the edge of the fort, trying to remember where the hell he'd left his boomerangs-


"Bloody hell, North!" Bunny hissed under his breath, near jumping out of his fur.

The man was standing as big as a bear on its hind legs inside the dark fort entrance, eyes as wide as saucers, dressed in shiny red button-up pyjamas, a thick, fleece coat and huge fluffy slippers, having the cheek to look like Bunny had startled him.

"What the hell are you doing here?!"

"I knock, but there is no answer!"

"It's the middle of the night!"

North blinked in confusion, like he didn't understand why that was important.

"Damn night owls!" uttered Bunny under his breath, his poor heart rate coming back under control. "What are you creeping about for? Is it the Wendigo? Did something go wrong?"

"Eighty-four magnificent and dangerous creatures relocated," reported North, straightening proudly. "I add carriages to sleigh, and with yetis help, it was only three trips to new location. They should split away into smaller groups naturally, now they have space. Yetis are astounded we survive, I tell them without Sandy and Jack, we may not have. They warn we must be more cautious next time."

The idea of rickety carriages on that death trap made Bunny's stomach lurch and his fur spike far more than another encounter with the Wendigo.

"Let's hope there's not a next time," Bunny shivered. "If you're not barging in here for Guardian business, then why..."

North's big eyes flickered down to something he was holding, and Bunny followed his gaze.


Oh no, no, no...

"Bunny, my dear friend," said North slowly, and Bunny was rooted to the spot like a rabbit caught in the headlights, the aster and snowdrop ice sculpture glowing mockingly in the dim moonlight. "Are you in love... with Jack?"

Bunny winced, ears on fire, and he shot a look over his shoulder.

Thankfully, Jack hadn't budged an inch, his colourful, bare back turned towards them, a blanket tucked around his waist.

I Just Wanna Be Somebody To Someone {Jack Frost X Bunny} [#COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now