chapter 30

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Day Seven - Part One

Bunny suggests how they can enjoy the final morning of their 'wonderous retreat'! (And Jack has a minor sulk.)

🎄☃️ Happy Festive Season Everyone! ☃️🎄

There were so many things Jack knew.

He knew when Winter was approaching. He could sense the subtle change in the air, like a tingle down his spine.

He knew how to make humans take themselves less seriously, how to cause mischief, how to make them have fun. That was easy.

He knew how to navigate using only the stars and his instincts. He could tell which direction he was going with his eyes closed.

He knew lots of things.

Lots of stupid, suddenly pointless things.

Because the one thing he really wanted to know, the only thing that mattered in the world right now, was everything North and Bunny were talking about last night.

"You annoying, handsome kangaroo," he muttered under his breath, his nose pressed against Bunny's. "Tell me what you were saying."

The annoying, handsome kangaroo's only response was a peaceful snore, long whiskers tickling Jack's cheeks with every breath.

Jack's lips twitched upwards, and he sat back on Bunny's hips, folding his arms. "This would be so much easier if you were as loud as North, Sir Bun Bun."

The only reason he even knew there was something worth knowing was the instantly recognisable, booming laughter reverberating off the walls of the kitchen, startling him awake.

Bunny must have been making a heroic attempt at keeping North quiet, because Jack had only caught mere snippets of the usually thunderous Guardian's voice, and the clever rabbit, of course, had been as quiet as a mouse. Jack would have tiptoed out of bed and pressed his ear against the kitchen door if he wasn't positive Bunny's huge, tattletale ears would have found him out in a heartbeat.

It turned out trying to piece together a disjointed, one-sided conversation he began eavesdropping on halfway through was really hard! The words he'd managed to decipher while they were in the room (shining sun and whole world, flowers, chocolates, shy bunny, love?) didn't make any sense.

And anything else he thought he'd heard was just guessing, wishful thinking, his imagination playing tricks on him after hearing Bunny's story.

"Which wasn't the bedtime story I was expecting," he said truthfully, forgetting about the intriguing secret conversation for now. He absently touched the three red scars running around Bunny's side, soft baby fur already beginning to grow on top, and he smiled shyly. "I want to hear a million more of them. One a night, every night for the rest of my life would be nice, if you're free."

He was pretty sure Bunny didn't talk about his past often, if ever, with anybody, and he was honoured and filled with so much warmth Bunny trusted him enough to share it with him. He couldn't stop imagining Bunny as a child listening longingly to old romance tales with wide eyes filled with wonder. It was just... such a sweet image!

But as sweet as it was, it wasn't what made the butterflies in his stomach go crazy. It was the reason Bunny had started telling that particular story in the first place.

"What did it have to do with the circling?" he asked the sleeping rabbit, not daring to raise his voice louder than a whisper. "Mates, bonding... Were you trying to tell me something? Are you choosing... are you falling in love with... are you bonding with..."

I Just Wanna Be Somebody To Someone {Jack Frost X Bunny} [#COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now