Chapter 25

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Day Six - Part Two

Bunny has a minor meltdown, and then attempts another 'talk'. Jack is a genuine angel when he wants to be.

"I'm sorry!" squeaked Jack, doubled over laughing. "But you should see your face!"

Bunny was staring into the bathroom in horror, his foot thump-thump-thumping on the floor like he wanted the ground to literally swallow him up.

So much for a few hours of relaxing.

A tiny, devious part of Jack was wickedly satisfied that, despite the myriad of lovey-dovey emotions turning his insides into gooey jelly, he could still wind the rabbit up like this.

"This can't be happening," exhaled Bunny, pulling the door shut and pressing his back against it, palms flat on the wood, eyes wide in panic. "This wasn't the blasted elves. This was the work of the yeti, and they will know exactly what they're looking at. They have noses better than mine!"

"Hey, don't underestimate the elves," Jack straightened, rubbing his aching cheeks. "They know this place inside out, upside down. Every secret nook and cranny, every hidden passageway. If anyone is going to know what we've been up to, it's them. Because they've probably been watching. All this time."

"I wouldn't put it past them!" Bunny bristled, and he began frantically searching under the bed as if the fancy clothes and dirty blankets were going to magically reappear. "Either way, they're all within spitting distance of North twenty-four hours a day, and that doesn't bode well for us."

"Yeah, because Tooth and Sandy haven't already planted those seeds in North's head," he giggled quietly, watching him in (totally enamoured) amusement. "I don't get it. You don't care if they suspect anything, but North?"

"Them I can handle." He flattened himself, looking under the dresser, scoffing indignantly. "They didn't even take the bloody hammer!"

Jack just chuckled, happy to leave the panicking to Bunny.

The only thing that mattered to him today was that he was alive, Bunny was alive, he was head over heels in love with the rabbit, and the rabbit at the very least cared about what happened to him.

Worth saving...

He was going to struggle to keep the huge smile from his face all day.

"You should be thanking the yetis," said Jack, twirling his staff. "It was nice of them to clear up behind us while we were away getting our butts whooped."

He balanced his staff on the floor and leapt onto its crook, steadying himself perfectly.


No need for magic here!

Slowly he lifted one foot, coming up on his toes. "Bun, look! No powers!"

Bunny's wild eyes graced him with a momentarily impressed, then an undeniably irritated look. "That's just tremendous, Frostbite. Now will you get down here and convince me my worst nightmares haven't become a reality?!"

Okay. Definitely time for a distraction.

"Nope, because all we've eaten is fruit, and promises were made," he said, switching feet, scowling when his staff wobbled. He needed more practice at this. He sat on the crook instead. "Teach me how to make a strawberry cake. Is a strawberry carrot cake a thing? We could make it a thing. We've barely made a dent in the carrot pile."

Bunny dragged a paw down his face and dramatically collapsed on the bed, shielding his eyes. "I'm not exactly in the mood any..." He paused. "A strawberry carrot cake? That's not a half bad idea. Bit of butter icing, touch of ginger, maybe some nutmeg..."

I Just Wanna Be Somebody To Someone {Jack Frost X Bunny} [#COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now