Chapter 12

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Day Two - Part Three

Jack and Bunny get merry by the fireplace!

At least he knew for certain the snow globe was pinching things from the Warren.

The jars of thick, homemade blackberry wine were the ones he'd been keeping in storage, waiting until they were properly done.

And apparently, they were perfect, if Jack's stained, purple lips were anything to go by.

The sprite sipped from his jar, relaxing on the rug, and popped another chocolate strawberry into his mouth, moaning loudly.

Bunny snickered at the sound, lifting the sticky empty bowls and sliding them onto the wooden floor. "Will you control yourself? Or do you want me to leave you alone with them?"

"Alone. Definitely alone."

Bunny gave him a friendly shove, feeling pretty damn chuffed. It was difficult not to be when Jack had already demolished the fruit and honey, and had eaten at least half a dozen of the dark chocolate-covered strawberries.

He'd decided to save the much sweeter, white chocolate ones as a treat for when they were free.

"These are my new favourites, Bun Bun," said Jack dreamily through a half-full mouth. "By far. You're the best. Thank you. Seriously, I don't deserve any of this."

Bunny huffed. That had to be the tenth time he'd said that.

"Mate, for the last time, stop thanking me. It's not a matter of deserving," he told him. "And if it was, you would. You've spent most of the day trying to get us out of here."

"It's just... you know what I mean," Jack shrugged, and Bunny shook his head because he had no idea what Jack meant.

Despite the few light questions they had thrown back and forth as they ate, he was learning more and more about the sprite just by his reactions. He was always confused when he was given things, always suspicious, always holding them like someone might take them away from him, that he might lose them. Like the chocolates, or the flowers.

It was as if he didn't understand why anybody would want to give him anything. He'd even turned away from the dress clothes the snow globe had fired out, like he couldn't imagine himself in something so fancy.

'They look like something a prince would wear!'

Three hundred years of not being believed in would skew anyone's idea of their self-worth.

It reminded him of something Jack had said, just before they were tossed into this room.

This was supposed to be a time to ask questions, so...

"When we were fighting-"

"Again?" Jack groaned, putting his jar on the stone fireplace and falling back onto the rug dramatically. "What about it?"


"You called yourself 'insignificant'. You said that I hate having you here because you're not in the same league as me." Bunny looked at him, and Jack leaned up on his elbows, tilting his head curiously. "Is that what you really think, or was that just in anger?"

The quick look down was all the confirmation Bunny needed.

He reached over and touched Jack's chin, bringing his cautious eyes back to him.

"Jack, you're a bloody force of nature," he chuckled quietly. "You bring joy and fun to kids, some who desperately need it. I've seen the power you have inside you." He dropped his paw, picking up his jar instead, rolling it in his palms. "And even without all that... you're not insignificant. Nowhere close. Sometimes, when we're arguing, my mouth works faster than my brain too. Truth is, we're lucky to have you."

I Just Wanna Be Somebody To Someone {Jack Frost X Bunny} [#COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now