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~ everybody wants to rule the world ~


TWs: mentions of killing and war


Humans are colonizers.

Ever since the start of time, they've had an unquenchable thirst for power. More land equals more power; therefore, the leaders of the human clans and nations set out to gain as much as possible. Over time, empires formed, grew, and fell apart. Some lasted for centuries; some only for decades or years. Violence and corruption spread like an ugly virus, infecting human after human until no untainted people remained.

The always-present need for more power drove the humans to develop new technologies that would make it easier to kill their enemies. Scientists were rewarded handsomely for inventions that helped with expansion, and every child wished to either be a great war general or a celebrated scientist. Eventually, a way was found to get to space. It didn't take long for the moon to get colonized by the humans, now united in one solitary empire.

With no undiscovered land left on Earth, the humans pushed to expand further into space. They colonized planet after planet and started to establish settlements on the new property. Unopposed for the barren land, the virus of violence was forgotten and corruption was only useful for those of high power. Humans started to become less of heartless monsters.

And then, aliens were discovered.

The 'aliens' had been alone in their corner of the universe forever, and they were content with the small portion of the galaxies they controlled. There were multiple different nations that fought every once in a while amongst themselves for control of different resources and species. They weren't corrupt or power-hungry like the human leaders.

Everything changed when the humans arrived.

Most humans didn't want to fight with the new species they'd discovered. Unfortunately, those humans weren't the ones in positions of power, and therefore had no say in what was to happen.

The humans who were in positions of power reached out to the aliens, being friendly for now. The aliens learned The Language, which was the only language of the humans, and the humans learned no language since the leaders believed their ways were superior to the alien ones.

After all aliens could speak The Language fluently and had started to accept aspects of human culture, the leader of the human empire at this time asked very nicely if he could incorporate the alien nations into his own. The aliens, not taking kindly to a new species coming in, converting them to their language, and feeding them their culture, didn't like the humans' proposition. They declined the offer, saying they preferred to keep control of their nations, thank you very much.

So, the human leader, still greedy for land and power, declared war on the alien nations. War commenced.

Being almost equally matched in technology, the humans and aliens ended up in a long, brutal war. Each began to spread propaganda about the opposing group to their citizens. From a young age, human children were taught to hate aliens and alien children were taught to hate humans.

And that, dear reader, is where we are now.

War is still ongoing, and propaganda is spreading hate for the other side and keeping the war alive through generations. Those who don't believe the propaganda end up outcast and abandoned by others of their species.

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