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the planet naming system

I'm copying this over from my Chapter Summaries and Ideas page (part of my very non-organized organizer) so it might be a little messy.

This is literally my entire thought process down on a page.

Alien planets system: Human Names

There should be an abbreviation of the star system's name at the beginning of a planet's name. For example, Etho's home planet would be called Aur C37 instead of just C37.

Aureus abbreviation: Aur

Solidus abbreviation: Sol

Greek and Roman god names for stars, Norse and Egyptian god names for moons??

There are three main stars; one red, one blue, and one yellow

Red star is called Vulcan Aureus

Blue star is called Chione Aureus

Yellow star is called Theia Aureus

Etho is from Theia Aureus, Bdubs is from Chione Aureus, Xisuma is from Vulcan Aureus

Star system Aureus

Theres a system for naming planets- planets gravitating Vulcan Aureus are ?1?, planets gravitating Chione Aureus are ?2?, and planets gravitating Theia Aureus are ?3?

Star system Solidus is the nearest system to Aureus - has 4 stars: two yellow, two red

Bigger white star: Minerva Solidus- 3 planets, star is 1

Smaller white star: Cybele Solidus, 9 planets, star is 2

Bigger red star: Bellona Solidus, 13 planets, star is 3

Smaller red star: Veritas Solidas, 7 planets, star is 4

(editing Blu here I don't really know if the two Solidus stars were meant to be white or yellow because there was clearly a mistake somewhere uhhhh)

Most planets/moons in star system Solidus are colonized by humans.

Letter in planet's name (first question mark) describes the planet's climate:

I = icy (colder than cold)

C = cold

P = perfect

H = hot

F = fiery (hot than hot)

(editing Blu: 'hot than hot' lol)

W = warm (colder than hot)

O = cool (warmer than cold)

D = desert (aka hot and dry)

T = tundra (aka cold and dry)

R = rainforest (aka hot and moist)

A = arctic (aka cold and moist)

S = forest (aka perfect and moist)

G = grassland (aka perfect and dry)

V = diverse

If there is U at the end of a planet's name, the planet is uninhabited (for example, I38U, or icy planet, revolving around Theia Aureus, 8th planet from the sun, uninhabited)

Hottest --> Blue, White, Yellow, Orange, Red --> Coldest (stars). This means Chione Aureus is the hottest star in the Aureus system, Theia Aureus is in the middle, and Vulcan Aureus is the coldest

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