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*Reading this with John B voice*

"And this is Angie or Gie as we called her. She is the writer of our story and to be fair, this shit is gonna be crazy. When she came up with the idea and tell us about it I knew for sure that people would love it, specially for the drama that it's get involved. She loves reading, singing and music, these are their passion. She also loves english, but is not her first language so probably will have mistakes while writing. Don't tell her I said that tho, it's supposed to be a secret. She is addicted to plotwists and surprises, more specifically when it comes to books, so I guess that's a good thing?...At least if that doesn't mean I am involved. Anyways, we don't know how this story is gonna end, Gie didn't tell us about it, but as far as I know her imagination is light years away from here so, you must be prepared to read what is going through her mind."

Well, I guess John B wanted his time of fame right here huh? That bastard took my phone as soon as I told them about the story I was thinking to write, now I know for what.

WELCOME TO BETRAYAL, this fic came to my mind due to tiktoks. YES TIKTOK MADE ME BACK TO WATTPAD ERA. I'm not complaining tho bc I am so excited about this fic for real (inspiration here we go) so I hope u all like it as much as I do.

Anyways let's talk about the main topic here. I wanna warn you about some things:

● John B was right, english is not my first language so I apologise in advance if have mistakes in the writing. I will try my best.

● This fanfic is based on the series Outer Banks but is not gonna follow the storyline we all know. There will be some changes.

● I will warn at the beginning of the chapters if it is gonna be talked about a triggering topic or smut scenes.

SEE YA! -Angie xx

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