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tw: violence and smut

After our quarrel about Rafe's presence, we decided that it was better to stay tuned to the movie and not to separate under any circumstances. Kiara was a little upset when we told her everything that had happened and that we hadn't said anything, but the discomfort passed quickly once she filled her belly with popcorn.

I wasn't really knowing what the movie was about, the presence of the being I disliked the most in the world was affecting me greatly, but I didn't want to say anything to the guys so as not to heat up the atmosphere more than it already was.

To my right Pope and JJ were whispering something I couldn't make out. Pope looked desperate and JJ looked a little annoyed, which indicated that something wasn't right. Within seconds they both stood up.

"Where are you going?" I asked worriedly.

"To take a piss." replied JJ making his way through the crowd.

"Are you going to hold it for each other?" asked Kie confused, but our friends disappeared into the crowd. "There's no understanding these idiots."

Within seconds I watched as rafe, Topper and their henchmen headed in the direction where JJ and Pope were headed. This was not looking good. I turned to Kie immediately to get her attention but she was already looking at me before I said a word.

"You've seen them too haven't you?" I asked her though it donated more as an affirmation.

"Yeah, this isn't going to go well, come on Ginny." we both quickly got up to head in the direction of where they were. We bumped into a couple of people along the way earning us some insults but there was no time to argue.

As soon as we arrived behind the screen we found the worst scene. On the one hand Topper hitting Pope while he was trying to defend himself and, on the other hand, two of Rafe's henchmen holding JJ while he was hitting him.

Kiara went running to defend Pope while I went to help JJ. I threw myself on Rafe's back to stop him from continuing to hit him. He in shock stopped hitting JJ to turn to see me and realize what was happening. He jerked in a sudden movement knocking me to the ground.

"Wow princess again we meet again." he walked over to me and crouched down to be at my level. "You really like to stick your nose where it doesn't belong." with his index finger he lifted my face.

"Leave her alone you piece of shit!" shouted JJ from behind me. Rafe turned and delivered another blow.

"Stop it!" I pleaded as I saw JJ bleeding from various parts of his face. Rafe amused stared at both of us.

"Wait a minute...I know what's going on here." he let out a laugh. "You're fucking her." JJ spat blood on the floor as a sign of response. "Oh, not even that."

"Go to hell Rafe." I sat up as best I could to face him. He just laughed.

"Between Pogues you guys share the whores huh." Rafe walked up to JJ's face, which I could swear sparks were shooting out of his eyes. "How does it feel to know that this bitch got fucked by me first?" and that comment just blew everything to smithereens.

JJ propelled a headbutt at Rafe causing him to react by hitting him even harder all over without mercy. With my heart racing I looked around until I reached for a loose wooden stick. I was completely blinded by anger and I rushed at Rafe ready to give him a few blows but suddenly everything went up in flames. The movie screen began to burn, leaving everyone bewildered and making us stop what we were doing.

"Come on, let's get out of here." ordered Rafe to his friends. "Goodbye princess." the devilish grin he gave me gave me chills.

I ignored that comment and went running to JJ, I hugged him the moment he turned his eyes to me after wiping the blood from his lip, he responded in kind and began to examine me from all sides.

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