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"Gina thank you so much for helping me with the delivery." I smiled at Pope as I helped him load bags into the boat.

"It's nothing, I kind of owe you." said I. "You know about the whole shutting up about what you saw." said I referring to when he found JJ and I kissing when we went to the lighthouse.

"About that..." he held the sentence in the air not knowing how to continue the conversation.

"I know, I should tell him. But let's just say that John B and I are not on our best terms." I placed the last remaining bags and stood next to Pope ready to begin our walk.

"Something he told me." truth be told I was quite surprised but I didn't blame him, he needed someone to vent to and Pope is always the best confidant for that. "I thought it was because of what I saw, as I thought it was odd that he didn't tell JJ, in fact he asked me not to mention it to him."

"He asked you that?"

"Yes. Then he told me that his head was all messed up and he had strange assumptions against you and he preferred to..."

"End the relationship, yes." I finished for him. "It was strange, we don't know how to act towards each other."

"You've been together long enough, it's normal." he paused for a few seconds until he turned his eyes back to me. "And JJ?" hearing his name made my nerves kick in.

"Nothing. We started out getting along but we half argued and we're back to square one. I guess it's already the end of what ever happened, so until now I don't know if it's worth telling John B."

"That's up to you and your morals Gina. Due to the circumstances I don't plan to get involved, you can rest assured." he smiled warmly at me and I responded in a thank you way. Pope was a great person.

"Wow looks like the storm didn't pass through them." I remarked as I looked at the Figure Eight Golf Club. This area didn't look like it had experienced a hurricane recently. We approached the dock to make the first delivery.

"They are rich, they have generators. Unfortunately our neighborhood is going to be without power all summer." I cursed to myself at the social injustice, but at this point there was little that could be done. At least for the time being.

"I'm going to put these beers down and we can move on. I'll be right back." Pope smiled at me before getting off the boat and heading towards the Club.

I sat on one of the edges and just took in the views of the posh Outer Banks. Living here and being born into one of these families was immensely fortunate. I had often wondered what would have happened if my origins were from this social class. I would probably have a large mansion with more than six bedrooms, a purebred dog and a large jet. I also probably wouldn't know kids and my life would be too routine and unadventurous. Being rich was cool but at what cost?

Seeing teenagers practicing sailing in the water reminded me that in two days I would start my dream job. That surf store was a great discovery. Ronald was very kind to consider me, a simple stranger to him. Thanks to this I could gain experience in the working world and above all in what was my passion: surfing.

I came back to reality when I realized that Pope was taking too long, normally the maximum was fifteen minutes. My sixth sense realized that something was not right and I got up in a hurry and ran out of the boat to head to the beach.

I crossed over to the golf course and took a short walk. I looked around but there was no sign of Pope. I walked a few more steps until a couple of voices caught my attention. I followed the sound until I came to an esplanade. As I fixed my eyes I could make out Pope, but his company was not very pleasant. Topper and Rafe, the golden boys of Figure Eight. I knew it was going bad the moment Rafe threw a punch at Pope that caused him to drop the beers he was holding. I came out of my hiding place and ran in their direction.

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