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"How much was it again?" asked JJ as he snapped dry branches with his fingers.

We were standing on the dock at the Chateau. My panic attack passed thanks to JJ's intervention in my swim on the beach, which I was completely grateful for. JJ took his time to respect mine, when I was able to return to the group we went back to him and he didn't pressure me to do so.

When the two of us rejoined the rest, at first there was Kiara and Pope, who looked at us strangely, and a few seconds later John B appeared at the other end. The moment his gaze connected with mine I knew there was something wrong but he simply nodded and led us towards the dock. Apparently, from what Kiara whispered to me on the way, he also went looking for me but JJ found me first.

"Four hundred million." replied John B. It was a lot of money. Quite a lot of money, and the thought of it was terrifying.

"How are we going to split it? Oh well, before you say evenly split, I want to remind you that I'm the only one who can protect you properly from the thugs who were after us. Protection comes at a price." JJ drew his gun in a sign of conviction, as if being able to carry it was reason enough to take him seriously.

"JJ you have zero training." complained Pope. "It's not valid your proposition either way."

"There's YouTube! I at least deserve an extra five percent."

"You don't even..." Pope couldn't finish his sentence because as usual in their discussions, JJ was busy cutting him off.

"Any objections?"

"The fact that you're a narcissistic egomaniac, that I think is one." I commented with a chuckle and Kiara high-fived me in celebration of my comment.

"None? I thought so."

"Anyway JJ, grow up." Kiara shook her head and turned to Pope. "Hey Pope, what are you going to do with your hundred million?"

"Pay my college tuition and textbooks, which are very expensive."

"Boreeeed." JJ crooned mockingly receiving a punch in the arm from Pope in response. "Ouch."

"What about you Kie?" I asked to take the heat off.

"Yeah Kie. What does a socialist do when she's rich?" added Pope. Kiara looked at us sheepishly as if what she had to say was an illusion she rarely shares.

"Just wanna make a double album." she smiled nostalgically. "About Outer Banks, the Pogues. You know, the way Catch a Fire is about Kingston." we all chuckled approvingly. It was a great idea. "Record it at Marley Studio with Peter Tosh as producer." we all squinted.

"Peter Tosh is dead." exclaimed Pope what we were all thinking.

"I know. But his spirit will never die." Kiara toasted her beer into the air and took a sip from her can.

"Well, I'm very clear on what I'm going to do. I'm going to eat a mansion in Figure Eight and join the Kooks."

"You JJ? You're going to join the Kooks?" John B let out a laugh that could be heard all the way across the island.

"Yeah asshole, I'll put a marble statue in my garden and a pond with carp."

"I'll never come visit you." I said as I drank from my beer.

"I'll drink to that." joined me Kie.

"Funny, I had your room already ordered." I almost choked on my beer and the foam almost came out of my nose.

"Excuse me?"

"I'll have to hire you as a maid. You know, a little help for your incompetence."

"Oh, fuck off." I threw one of the empty cans at him, but he successfully dodged it.

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