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Anyone who saw the conditions of the island at this time would think that this place was really a dream paradise. The hurricane had wreaked havoc in its path, from branches strewn everywhere to the facades of houses in disrepair. The truth is that the surroundings of John B's house were quite pitiful. It would take us a couple of hours to get everything back to the way it was the day before. However, the weather was so good, it would even be strange to think that the day before a hurricane had literally blown through. If it weren't for all the destruction it caused, I might even feel like going out for a couple of hours and surfing all morning.

After staying up all night because of the storm, the early morning argument with JJ and well... my intimate moment with John B, I couldn't sleep much longer. Right now I was in John B's boat trying to keep my eyes open for more than ten seconds. I was not a person who sleep a lot, I used to have a lot of nightmares and I was easily awake, but I really wished I had a few more hours of sleep. I almost killed JJ when he was busy waking us up by banging on two pans and humming "It's time to explore Pogues".

Due to the hurricane, half of the island was without coverage, so we headed out in search of Pope in an old-fashioned way. Approaching Heywards to see if he was available for an early morning scan.

"Are you ok?" I noticed how someone sat down next to me, making me wake up from my reverie.

"Yeah, just a little tired, you know? Someone didn't let me get a good night's sleep last night." John B put one of his arms around me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"JJ's snoring is horrible." He smiled playfully knowing full well that's not what I was referring to.

"Definitely." I played along. I loved that John B and I had the same language to say things subliminally.

"For your information Romeo and Juliet, I'm here, I can hear you, and I don't snore!" JJ complained from the boat's helm.

"Oh yes you do." John B, teased him. "Gina is a clear witness to this."

"Oh yeah, last night I didn't know if the thunder was caused by the storm or I was listening to you snoring." We both laughed and instantly JJ glared at us.

"You romantic club, you can both go fuck yourselves, but not in that kind of fucking you like I mean the one about...god I'm making it worse." JJ's response made us almost fall overboard with laughter. He just gave up and continued on his way to Heywards. A few minutes later we spotted Pope removing some of the branches from the entrance. JJ whistled to get his attention.

"Hey, Pope!" I waved at him as we got closer to him.

"Oh, hey guys." His greeting was listless, you could tell his father had forced him to clear out the entire Heywards entrance.

"What's up man? You up for a Pogue exploration?" John B stood up from his seat as he exchanged the boat handle with JJ.

"I can't, my parents got me on a lockdown."

"Come on man!" JJ approached the edge of the boat and covered his mouth with one of his hands, making mumbling sounds. "Your dad's a pussy over."

"Oh I heard that you little bastard" Heyward appeared behind Pope. JJ raised his arms in a peace sign as I chuckled under my breath at the funny situation. Pope's father and JJ have had this kind of relationship for as long as I've known them. From the outside you might think they hate each other, but deep down Mr. Heyward has a paternal affection for us. "You can leave now, Pope has work to do."

"Oh come on Mr. Heyward, it's just a little exploration of the surrounding area. " John B insisted.

"No way." Mr. Heyward again refused the request.

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