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The Outer Banks, paradise on earth, or at least that's what my boyfriend says. It is the typical place where everyone would like to live. Beautiful beaches, warm weather, summer outfits, boat trips... Sounds like paradise, doesn't it? Unless you are from the poor side, you will probably need two jobs for survival on the island. Still, John B continues to call the Outer Banks a paradise for everyone, but there is always room for improvement.

I've been dating him for five months, but I've known him for much longer. Our parents have been friends for as long as I can remember, they are both treasure hunters and spent many hours trying to figure out new puzzles and chasing new treasures.

My dad and I used to live on the border between Virginia and North Carolina. John B and his father came to visit us once a month and in the summer we would spend a couple of weeks at the Chateau. There, John B and I usually spent hours and hours playing around and imitating our parents. We used to believe that someday we would be like them and find the world's most precious treasures.

One day, by the time when I was 14 years old, we moved to the Outer Banks, so close to John B's. Our parents were working on a new research project that required a lot of time and dedication, the treasure of the Royal Merchant. They believed that gold was truly out there somewhere and were determined to get it. John B and I at one point thought it was more fantasy than anything else. We truly believed that this research was in vain, however we liked to play along. I mean, they were our parents after all.

Due to the big Royal Merchant's mistery, my father thought it would be a good option to move on and start from scratch. After my mother's death there was no longer anything tying us to the borders of North Carolina. At first I was quite scared, new beginnings have never appealed to me. If it wasn't for John B, I wouldn't have lasted two seconds without a crisis existence probably. Thanks to him I met the Pogues, the craziest people I've ever known and I discovered things I didn't know I was good at, such as surfing and drinking beer on the sly.

Let me introduce the people who made my time in Outer Banks better than I expected.

Pope, the mastermind. He's a super smart guy and always saves our asses every now and then. Let's just say he is our voice of conscience telling us what is right and what is not. Then we have Kiara, the best friend you can ever have. She is loyal, a truly fighter and even though she belongs to the "Kooks" side (the people with money from Figure Eight) she is more Pogue than all of us put together. But between you and me, her passion for saving the turtles is a little scary.

And that's all, that's my life. Well, unless... well, yes, there's one thing I almost forgot. Well, not a thing, is more like "someone".

How could I forget JJ, my worst enemy and John B's best friend? To be honest our relationship was never like that. When I came to The Outer Banks we used to hang out together, John B, JJ and I used to be close. It's also true that JJ and I didn't get along great since the beginning, we fought over John B's attention and company but we put up with each other most of the time. We had our differences but we settled them right away. However, when John B's father and mines disappeared for about 6 months ago, JJ's behavior began to change, specifically when I started dating John B.

We fight day in and day out, we can't go more than three seconds without trying to jump on each other's necks. I feel bad for John B tho. The fact that his best friend and his girlfriend didn't get along was putting him in a compromising position. Nevertheless, even though I tried not to make a big deal out of JJ's bad vibes, he was always looking for ways to push me over the edge.

I guess that's all you need to know about me for the moment.

Anyways, this is my life now. I have friends, a boyfriend who loves me...I can't complain, except for the fact that my dad is missing. What I didn't know was that my life and the lives of my friends would take a 360-degree turn when we decided to walk into Big John's office and discover that maybe my father and him weren't crazy after all, that maybe there was a chance that the Royal Merchant's gold was out there on our island.


I hope u all are ready for what is coming akdnsjxjsn. I feel the necessity to introduce you Gina first i think is the best for the story.

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Check out my tiktok: justangiestories to see Betrayal edits. -Angie xx

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