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John B had made a great discovery. We finally had a reliable clue as to where the Royal Merchant's gold could be found and soon all our dreams would come true. Looking back at the point where we started this whole story, I never thought we could have come this far, come to the point where our parents were about to get the gold and give their lives for it.

It all sounded great, until the part where John B decided to include little princess Sarah Cameron. Yeah... none of us expected that turn of events, but especially Kiara and me. Let's just say that our relationship with Sarah wasn't very... good. Kiara had her reasons which I didn't know until now and I... well I had my own personal ones.

The fact that Sarah knew our whole plan made me uncomfortable, but for some strange reason it made me even more uncomfortable that all this time John B was missing he had been with her.

However, despite our complaints and suspicions about Princess Kook, we found ourselves parked in front of her house, waiting for John B to come for I don't know what important part of the plan. The rest of us stood silently waiting for him to arrive with new news, but the minutes were taking forever.

"I don't trust shit, John B is an asshole." Kiara broke the silence with another of her protests, although it was really what was to some extent what we were all thinking.

"I want to give him a vote of confidence, but that stuff about him just using her..." Pope let the sentence hang in the air as if implying something else.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused at his words.

"That he obviously likes her." blurted out Kiara in a snort. The thought of John B liking Sarah made me a little unsettled. Even though John B and I were no longer together, and JJ and I had...a thing, the very idea gave me chills.

"I hope not." I replied without thinking which made JJ give me a confused look.

"Do you mind if he did?" he asked me directly and our eyes met.

"It's not that I mind only's Sarah Cameron." really my feelings for John B were pure affection and fondness for so many years of friendship, but there was nothing romantic about it at all, which JJ must have misinterpreted.

"Well, I do care. Fuck, I'm going to see what's taking so long." Kiara got out of the caravan and headed in the direction of where John B had gone.

"It's going to be daylight at this rate." complained Pope in a sigh.

I looked over at JJ who kept his eyes on the ground as he fiddled with one of the laces on his sneakers. As I looked at him I remembered that we hadn't spoken after we had gone to bed and at the police station he remained cold and distant. It had been at least a day since I had heard from him and I didn't know what terms we were on. Maybe my comment had affected him or maybe he was eating his head off with all the emotional overflow like me. The only one who didn't know anything about it all was John B.

I moved a little closer to JJ and tried to get his attention by brushing one of his hands absently so Pope wouldn't notice. He just looked at me and gave me a half-smile but didn't pull his hand away. His gaze invited me to converse but just as I tried to open my mouth Kiara frantically arrived at the caravan with a discomposed face.

"John B has been hit by Topper, good grief it all went so fast! Sarah..." Kiara spoke in such a rushed manner that she could barely be understood.

"Wait, wait Kie. What the hell happened?" Pope could alert and moved a little closer to her to reassure her.

"John B is really bad because Topper hit him when he saw him talking to Sarah. I knew that bitch would bring us trouble."

"Where is John B?" I asked worriedly. "We need to call the cops or something." That shit Topper was going to pay for it if John B was really bad.

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