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I couldn't believe I was kissing JJ for the third time. This had become an inevitability that neither of us could contain and it was obvious that no matter how hard we tried we couldn't put an end to it.

JJ held my face gently and kissed me softly making way for his tongue to play with mine. The sores on my lip were making their presence known but I didn't care, I didn't mind as long as it meant the little twinges of pain were a case of his lips. I grabbed his hair from behind unable to help but give a little tug. I received a slight grunt from him encouraging me to deepen the kiss. I thought we were not going to be able to contain the attraction until a few steps made us realize the reality and we separated abruptly for fear of being discovered.

"Well I think I've fixed my face eighty percent." Pope appeared in our field of vision. Seeing both of us acting strangely he looked at us quizzically. "Are you okay?"

"Perfectly." we both replied at the same time.

JJ cleared his throat and looked at me "Gina you're all healed up I'm going to put this away." he pointed to the first aid kit and walked off towards the cabin quickly.

"Was he wearing blood on his lip?" asked Pope raising an amused eyebrow at me. My face turned red.

"You must have been confused." I tried to hide the truth.

"Yeah...sure..." Pope shook his head and changed the subject. "Those assholes deserve a lesson."

For this reason I didn't want JJ to find out. When the dynamic duo gets together they are capable of doing the most idiotic thing in history. A thousand and one possibilities were going through Pope's mind to destroy those Kooks, and for sure most of them illegal.

"Please, let's avoid violence on this one." I pleaded.

"A good beating if they deserve it." JJ returned to our position. "I should get the gun and give them a good scare."

"For once JJ I think I support you in your theory." encouraged Pope. "If they don't want Pogues, we don't want Kooks."

"No violence I said!" I exclaimed feeling invalidated. "We must be smarter than them and less troglodyte."

"Good grief, you're starting to sound like Kiara." said JJ looking scared and putting a hand to his chest sarcastically.

"Let me think." as an idea came to mind Pope and JJ were still on the same page with grabbing the gun and going after them, both debating what would be the best way. I had to avoid that idea and offer them something better than violence. And I already had it, the best way to annoy a Kook was to hit him where it hurt the most: to damage one of his little toys. "Let's sink the Malibu." when I blurted out the phrase they both fell silent and looked at me perplexed.

"What?" they said in sync.

"What annoys a Kook the most?" I asked hoping they would fall into my same conclusion, but they were still confused. "Having his expensive little toys touched."

"So..." continued Pope. "What would screw Topper the most is if we sink the Malibu."

"That's a brilliant idea!" JJ rushed over to me and gave me a tight hug. "That's a great idea Ginger!"

"It came to me like out of the blue!" I hugged him back and we excitedly half-jumped. Noticing Pope's throat clearing we abruptly separated again.

"Well let's get to work, Pope at the controls of the boat." ordered JJ. We avoided any further comment and set out for our victim. The 2020 Malibu 24MXZ great for water sports and number one in quality, luxury and performance.

In no time we were there in front of our target, tied to the dock. We stared at him for a few moments until Pope broke the silence with a sigh.

"I don't know why but I'm already regretting it." he confessed. It was so typical of him. As noble as ever.

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