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John B had told us to wait outside on the porch of the Chateau. After our great discovery he began to scheme like crazy and assured us that we should meet as soon as possible to start extracting the gold, but first he had to resolve some issues.

"John B always so mysterious...gets on my nerves." Kie argued in a half-grunt. We hadn't discussed the issue concerning John B, so the atmosphere was a bit tense.

"He has a Sherlock Holmes complex." commented Pope amused.

"And how could he not. For sure I'm his trusty Watson" Pope looked at JJ incredulously.

"Watson? Really? If all you did for this team was find a gun that would get us in trouble, use it when you shouldn't have and leave it on the porch when we needed it most." JJ and Pope started arguing with each other giving me a headache from listening to them.

I felt Kie's gaze on me, even though I tried to avoid eye contact with her. He started playing with his fingers hesitating whether to approach me or not. Inside I really didn't know if I was in the right time in my state of mind to have this conversation, but once I didn't feel the weight of her body sitting next to me I knew that didn't matter right now.

"Ginny..." I took a few seconds before responding.

"Kiara I don't know if we're in the right frame of mind to have this conversation." I was honest and at that moment I didn't mind sounding a little dry.

"I just don't want your mind to start scheming and thinking things that aren't." he sighed to ease tensions. From a hundred miles away I could tell that Kiara was trying to handle the situation even though she didn't know how to express herself. Something in me was reflected in her.

"And what exactly is my mind scheming? That my best friend was secretly in love with my boyfriend and didn't have the courage to talk to me?" The fact that Kiara had feelings for John B really didn't affect me like it should. It was the feeling of betrayal from a friend that hurt and more so coming from Kie.

"Gina things aren't like that, you see..." she licked her lips before continuing. "It's true that John B rejected me" I was about to reply to her statement but she stopped me by resting her hand on my lips. "Two years ago, around the time you moved to the Outer Banks, I started to get jealous of you, because John B kept raving about you and... my macho feminine ego back then couldn't allow a new girl into our group."

"No wonder you were so rude to me at first." some events from the past began to make sense.

"It's just that you were perfect Gina, I was afraid you were going to take my spot as the girl of the group. As my jealousy intensified my mind generated feelings of possession towards John B and I became confused." Kiara smiled and looked straight ahead. "One night I went in for a kiss with John B and he turned me down, you know Pogue code...although I think he liked you by then."

"So, when John B said that earlier it was..."

"In the form of a joke to tease me in our discussion. Yes I know, it's embarrassing, but nothing really happened it was a thing of the past." Kiara looked at me looking for some kind of reaction to my speech. The truth is that after hearing the story I felt much better.

"With that stealing your spot from the girl in the group eeeeh..." I teased her and she laughed as she gave me a slight shove.

"Don't laugh! John B the bastard was supposed to promise me not to tell anyone about this, but after the fight at the lighthouse..."

"You argued? Why?"

"Let's see... let's just say John B was walking around mysterious and it was around the time he started getting involved with Sarah Cameron" it wasn't something new that Kiara disliked Sarah above many things. "I would even say there was something weird between them, too much closeness and you by then were with him and it didn't seem fair." I was quite surprised that Kiara would insinuate something like that. The truth bothered me less than I thought it would, I mean... John B was, well is, my boyfriend, however I wasn't as affected as I should have been. I guess I wasn't able to judge him, for while they were in the lighthouse I was having my way with JJ after nursing my wounds. "But then you and..." Kiara looked over at JJ and Pope to make sure they weren't listening, but they were still arguing. "You and JJ started something unexpected let's say and it stayed there I guess. Now you're back together with John B goodness this is like a soap opera." we both laughed in unison.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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