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"We haven't seen anything, we haven't stolen anything and we don't know anything!" Pope paced back and forth on the Chateau porch as if he was about to have a nervous breakdown. Well, if not that's really what he was having.....

In the end, the guys explained to Kiara and I that the boat we found this morning belonged to Scooter Grubbs, a man who couldn't even afford to buy single cigarettes at the tobacconist and was always running scams in the area. In fact he was the body that was found in the water near the harbor and the police had been looking for the boat all this time. That would explain why our little adventure in the ramshackle hotel would have made such a sudden appearance.

"Guys Pope is right, we need to forget about it and return the money."

"We can't all afford unlimited data Kiara." replied JJ dryly.

It was all quite bizarre as well as dangerous. Scooter Grubbs was a person who couldn't make ends meet and suddenly he had a boat worth over $40,000. How was that possible?

"Yeah. Trust me this is a bad idea." Despite Pope's pleas to drop the subject, John B once again got back in the day on JJ's side.

"I'm not going to let it go." I had a bad feeling about this mess and I didn't like it at all.

"John B..." I warned him in a half whisper.

"Oh come on! We all know Scooter Grubbs didn't have the rent to pay but all of a sudden he buys a boat of that caliber? Something doesn't add up to me." John B plopped down on one of the couches on the porch.

We were all silent for a couple of seconds. I kept hearing the clacking of JJ's shoe sole on the old wood and Pope's nervous sighs. But then, an idea crossed my mind. Maybe it was all starting to make sense of this crazy story.

"What if...what if Scooter Grubbs was up to something fishy, something like..."

"Drug dealing." JJ and I looked at each other. We both knew we were thinking the same thing. "Maybe he was running errands with that boat."

"And maybe those errands are still on it." John B jumped out of his seat and headed inside the Chateau. At his exhilarated reaction we mimicked his steps and followed him inside.

"We need to investigate in the boat and see what else we can find." John B pulled out the wad of bills he had stashed in one of the kitchen drawers and tossed it to Pope who fumbled in his hands before catching it tightly.

"Guys this is crazy." remarked Pope again for the fourth time this afternoon.

"Sometimes the crazy ideas are the ones that get the best results." JJ took the wad of bills from him and fanned it across his nose.

"Fuck it, I'm in!" exclaimed Kiara. "Ginny?"

"Me too."

"Great!" John B grabbed Kiara and I by the shoulders and led us to the sofa bed in the living room while the others repositioned themselves. "Now that everyone, well Pope you have no choice so..."

"You haven't given me any choice from the start!"

"As I was saying." he cleared his throat. "Now that we're all in agreement, we need to find a way to get to him. However, we have to be discreet and act as usual."

"With JJ that's difficult." stressed Kiara receiving JJ's middle finger in response.

"How about we have a Pogue party?" I proposed.

"For once Ginger, I agree with you."

"We'll throw the best party of the summer Pogue!" cheered John B and we immediately got down to business.

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